Cape Argus




3 Informatio­n about Netherland­ers? (3,3-4) 8 Won’t it struggle when you put it in a box? (6)

9 Posed with the boy embracing one (4) 10 Very unusually (10)

11 The fashion is to be noisy these days (3) 13 Does it languish in a forest? (4)

14 What they butter one, perhaps, up with? (7)

15 Was alluring, as portrayed (4)

17 Drive with something others than a driver (5)

20 Instead, changed partners (5)

22 Won’t let one tell jokes (4)

24 Lessens the tantrums (7)

25 See, we’re told, as a plot (4)

27 This fish is very good (3)

28 Does he put his car under your window just to look in? (4,6)

29 “The city house is useless,” you repeat (4)

30 Are not terribly decorative (6)

31 In general, you put your foot in it! (10)


1 If I’m playing against myself it will be, until then (8)

2 Endeavoure­d, overwrough­t, to get under way (6)

3 Walked about a mile back to get away (7) 4 The girl can’t half race! (5)

5 Just over a pound a year (4)

6 That’s what a prune is, my dear fellow! (3,5)

7 “If you economised you would” is uncalled for (8)

12 Object to, but heed (4)

14 Take in and shoot (4)

16 Ridicules with “Rubbish!” (4)

17 To recant would not be lacking attraction (8)

18 Why you couldn’t gain admission to the gym? (4-4)

19 Quits before time in “4” (4)

21 A prayer on coming in, when about to eat (8)

23 Dons, but finds dangerous when walking? (5,2)

25 Come up suddenly from the water (6) 26 In Miss Standing, it’s a good quality (5) 28 Time to get up, too (4)

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