Cape Argus

MPs back axing of Jiba, Mrwebi


MPs HAVE backed the report to axe Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi saying this will bring to stability to the National Prosecutin­g Authority.

Almost all the parties yesterday said stability was needed in the NPA to be able to do its work of fighting crime and corruption.

They said Jiba and Mrwebi held key positions of deputy director of public prosecutio­ns and special director respective­ly and had to conduct themselves properly during their tenure.

Xola Nqola of the ANC said Mrwebi and Jiba had been given an opportunit­y by the justice committee to state their case. But Jiba went to court but she lost. He said there was no fact that Mrwebi has been denied an opportunit­y to present its case.

Nqola said Ramaphosa had made the correct decision in firing Jiba and Mrwebi.

Steve Swart of the ACDP said the departure of Jiba and Mrwebi should start the process of stabilisin­g the NPA.

He added that the NPA needed to turn the corner and be stabilised.

“We are happy this decision will result in the stabilisat­ion of the NPA. We support this report and look forward to the stabilisat­ion of the NPA,” said Swart.

Ringo Madlingozi of the EFF said they did not support the report because Mrwebi was denied an opportunit­y by the justice committee to present his case.

He maintained that Mrwebi had asked to be heard by the committee, but this was turned down. Madlingozi said this was not fair.

Manzoor Shaik Emam of the National Freedom Party said they were satisfied all processes were followed in the firing of Jiba and Mrwebi. This will begin a new chapter to stabilise the NPA.

He said Jiba and Mrwebi were given an opportunit­y to present their case to the Mokgoro inquiry and Parliament.

Shaik Emam highlighte­d that the report of that inquiry was credible adding it was time to move on.

The adoption of the report by the National Assembly yesterday happened at the same time that the National Council of Provinces adopted its report.

The select committee on security and justice in the NCOP was doing its work on the removal of Jiba and Mrwebi. All members of the NCOP backed the report of that committee yesterday.

When the process began months ago the NCOP and National Assembly agreed to conduct separate processes to avoid any questions or litigation in future.

The adoption of the reports of the two Houses yesterday has put paid to efforts to try and bring back Mrwebi.

Jiba had indicated she was no longer interested in going back to the NPA and wanted to move on with her life.

NPA head Shamila Batohi previously said she would fill the two positions of Jiba and Mrwebi after all processes had been concluded.

The adoption of the two reports in the two Houses has put an end to that process and effectivel­y complying with the request of Ramaphosa in April this year that the two former prosecutor­s be fired.

 ??  ?? PARLIAMENT has put its weight behind a report to axe former top National Prosecutin­g Authority officers Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi.
PARLIAMENT has put its weight behind a report to axe former top National Prosecutin­g Authority officers Nomgcobo Jiba and Lawrence Mrwebi.
 ??  ?? Ringo Madlingozi
Ringo Madlingozi

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