Cape Argus




When I watched today’s deal in a penny game, West was the dreaded Grapefruit, he of the acid dispositio­n and matching tongue. He berates his partners without mercy. The other members of my club worship the quicksand he walks on. When South opened one spade and Grapefruit overcalled in hearts, North leaped to four spades, as well he might. Grapefruit led the king of hearts, and South ... played low from dummy! East discarded. Overtrick

Grapefruit then led another heart. East ruffed, but South overruffed, cashed the ace of trumps and took the A-K of clubs to discard dummy’s diamonds. He claimed an overtrick, and Grapefruit went wild.

“Partner, you’re so dumb you couldn’t spell CAT if I spotted to you the C and T.” “Why didn’t you take your ace of diamonds?” East wanted to know. Grapefruit told the kibitzers that East’s golf bag lacked a full set of clubs. East missed an astute defense. He must ruff the king of hearts at Trick One and lead the queen of diamonds.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ A J 843 ♥ 5 ♦ K 8 2 ♣ AK9 6. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade and he rebids two diamonds. The opponents pass. What do you say?

Answer: A grand slam is possible if your partner has a perfect minimum hand such as K 5, A 7 6, A Q J 9 6 3, 7 4. Bid three clubs, intending to support the diamonds next. You will suggest interest in big things with shortness in hearts. Even if partner shows no enthusiasm, you may bid six diamonds.

South dealer

Both sides vulnerable

 ??  ??

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