Cape Times

Why Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon hate each other


AT the Academy Awards on Sunday night, host Jimmy Kimmel paid tribute to his favourite prank target: Matt Damon. In a sketch, Kimmel screened Damon’s 2011 family-friendly movie We Bought a Zoo, marvelling that Damon “has almost no discernibl­e talent, but he works”.

Back in the Dolby Theatre, Damon joined his friend Ben Affleck on stage to present the award for best original screenplay. But the announcer told the audience to welcome “two-time Academy Award-winner Ben Affleck and guest.”

This was a continuati­on of a long-standing but fake feud between Damon and Kimmel, who eventually schemed to play his frenemy off the stage. “I’m just presenting. You can’t play me off!” Damon said as the camera flashed to Kimmel gleefully conducting the orchestra. The constant bickering was one of the highlights of the broadcast – before the drama was usurped by an epic best picture mix-up.

Just how far back does this fake fight go? As it turns out, quite a way. In 2011, Damon explained the origins of the joke to Parade. He wasn’t even in on it initially. In fact, he had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that Kimmel had been saying, “My apologies to Matt Damon, we ran out of time” for the better part of a year.

In 2006, when Damon was finally invited to be a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live, he asked the host about the gag. Here’s Damon explaining their offscreen conversati­on: “And he was like, ‘You want to know what happened? I was doing a particular­ly lame show; I think my guests were a ventriloqu­ist and a guy in a monkey suit. We were wrapping it up, and there was a smattering of applause in the audience. I was having kind of a low moment, and I just said, ‘My apologies to Matt Damon; we ran out of time.’ My producer was right camera and he doubled over laughing. It was gallows humour. Nobody else got the joke. But it made us laugh, so we started doing it every night. I have no idea why I said you; it could have been anybody.’”

On that fateful evening in 2006, Kimmel welcomed Damon with a drawn-out introducti­on that left little room for an actual interview. “Matt Damon, everybody!” he eventually said as the audience cheered. “They love you and it’s so good to have you here. Unfortunat­ely, we are totally out of time.”

“I’m sorry, Matt,” he added. “Can you come back tomorrow night?”

“Go f*** yourself,” Damon replied. The two then staged a screaming match, with Damon marching off the set.

The faux feud took a heightened turn in 2008 when Kimmel hosted then-girlfriend Sarah Silverman on his show. After a long, convoluted intro that included discussion of her thick, black arm hair, Silverman revealed she had a surprise. She threw to a clip of her half-heartedly strumming a guitar.

“Here it goes,” Silverman said, before breaking into joyous song. “I’m f***ing Matt Damon!”

Then Damon appeared. “She’s f***ing Matt Damon!” he said with a wide grin. They proceeded to tell Kimmel, through song, about all the places in which they did the deed.

And just a few weeks ago, Damon appeared in a sketch with Kimmel and his wife, Molly McNearney, who is expecting their second child. The joke here was that the baby might be Damon’s.

Last week, Kimmel appeared on Ellen, where he talked about getting ready to host the Oscars. Ellen DeGeneres couldn’t help but bring up Damon, who visited earlier.

“Was he in this chair?” Kimmel asked. “Ugh.” DeGeneres assured him the chair had since been wiped. “We don’t like each other, in case you don’t know the back story.” Now you do. – The Washington Post


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