Cape Times

A clever thriller exploring the twists of reality and fiction


BASED ON A TRUE STORY Delphine de Vigan (R256) Bloomsbury

“You’ve no need to invent anything. Your life and character, the way you look at the world should be your only material,” says the woman referred to as “L” in Delphine de Vigan’s captivatin­g novel, Based on a True Story.

L is offering advice to the narrator, a writer named Delphine, “You’ve proved to them that you know how to do something different, that you could take hold of reality, have it out with it.

“They’ve understood that you were looking for a different reality and that you were no longer afraid.” When Based on a True Story opens, Delphine is teetering on the edge of collapse. Her previous book – a fictionali­sed account of her mother’s suicide (also the subject of De Vigan’s previous book, Nothing Holds Back the Night) – won her haters inside her family, but fans outside.

In the midst of this emotional exhaustion, she meets L at a party. L is an alluring prospect from the start, the kind of woman Delphine tells us she isn’t – “impeccable, with her smooth hair and perfectly filed vermilion nails that seemed to gleam in the dark” – and the two women strike up a friendship. It’s oddly one-sided, though. Delphine becomes increasing­ly dependent on L, something that the latter, who apparently begins to dress like her new friend, encourages, but all the while she herself remains slightly aloof and unknowable. So far, so Single White Female, an underlying sense of dread and terror spun out of everyday kindnesses and coincidenc­es.

The tension builds, peppered by reminders of Delphine’s “complicity” in her fate. But the fact that De Vigan takes her epigraph from Stephen King’s Misery – the story of a writer who’s kidnapped by a crazed fan and forced to rewrite the plot of his latest book to her liking – is clue enough that the heart of the story lies in the complicate­d relationsh­ip between writer and reader. It’s working out who’s who that’s the mystery.

All writing is constructe­d on shifting sands, but I’ve never read a book that makes the complex relationsh­ip between reality and fiction both as visible, and at the same time so opaque, as here.

I was captivated. Combining the allure of Gone Girl with the sophistica­tion of literary fiction, Based on a True Story is a creepy but unapologet­ically clever psychologi­cal thriller that also aces the Bechdel test (at least two women in a work of fiction, talking to each other about something other than a man). – The Independen­t

An underlying sense of dread and terror spun out of everyday kindnesses

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