Cape Times

We have the capacity to drive regional economic growth

- Xolani Qubeka Xolani Qubeka, the founder of the Small Business Developmen­t Institute and nonexecuti­ve chairperso­n of Redisa, writes in his personal capacity. His e-mail address is: xolani.

ABUSINESS Report reader recently sent me an e-mail in response to my article published last week. The mail raises certain socio-political concerns, and I’ll share the full text, but without revealing the source as the writer has yet to respond as to whether he can be quoted:

“Dear Mr Qubeka, I note your article in the Cape Times Business Report of April 21. Two significan­t problems which I seldom hear mentioned are: a) the question of family planning; b) the quality of education. The fact that we have a literacy problem, as a Brit, I find incomprehe­nsible. This combined with the fact that some people are having many children (means) abject poverty is a certainty.

“Had my wife and I had six or seven children, we would also be living in a shack! Until these problems are conscienti­ously addressed, South Africa is going nowhere. In closing, I would wager that not a single member of Parliament is sending his or her child to a government school.”

Without getting into the merits or the context of the views expressed, I wish to state that of course the issue of unmanaged population growth is a major concern and it requires attention. I’m certain that relevant organs of state are dealing with it head-on, and I would invite comments from the Department of Social Developmen­t.

Conversely, I wish to remind the writer that illiterate communitie­s breed more illiteracy and that is a very difficult cycle to break. Certainly our education system has inherent challenges that need to be addressed, notwithsta­nding its historical stench.

I’m certain the Department of Education can respond and share its plans. One thing I’ll point out, though, is that while the focus is on the education content, I’m certain that the writer would not wish to take his own kids to most of those “barracks-like apartheid school architectu­re” with no modern-day resources.

The majority of black people in general and black business in particular want the same things that other privileged South Africans want, and more.

I’ve said before that the ultimate success of our economic transforma­tion agenda would be more successful if better understood and supported by our white counterpar­ts, and through constructi­ve engagement­s. So far what we hear are only negative sentiments aimed at controllin­g the narrative rather than a conversati­on aimed at building a better country, while of course respecting differing views.

There is no doubt that the current political landscape is highly contaminat­ed and needs great minds with great ideas and brave hearts that are driven by a common national interest.

I also believe that business as a collective could do much more to stabilise the country through driving a more robust political economic agenda that supports the government’s socio-economic developmen­t agenda. It can mobilise resources better towards a more inclusive economic architectu­re.

Notwithsta­nding the threat that the country could be sliding towards a Zimbabwe or a Venezuela (as some editorials suggest), if we continue with radical economic transforma­tion, South Africa has a very strong economy with sufficient embedded checks and balances. If anything, these references are used as “scarecrow” to repel radical economic transforma­tion.

In fact, the country will slide deeper into turmoil if we don’t become inclusive in all aspects of our developmen­tal approach.

It is more helpful for the engagement to be more rational and robust, instead of the constant fear that sounds like the old “swart gevaar” being placed daily on the national radar screen. It is not helpful.

The elephant in the room is the continued control of a few companies who dominate the supply chains across major sectors, particular­ly in state-owned companies. The unfair distributi­on of contracts limits the impact of contracts and the spread of incomes.

The opening up and broadening of procuremen­t spend is essential in deepening the economic participat­ion of new entrants and to ensure prosperity is expanded and the racial market distortion within the economy is altered.

It’s also concerning when oil companies are reported to be perpetuati­ng collusive behaviour at the disadvanta­ge of new entrants and fair competitio­n. I worry more when pharmaceut­ical companies dominate government supply chains without also assisting in building diversifie­d suppliers in this crucial markets.

India has demonstrat­ed how local pharmaceut­ical manufactur­ing capability could be developed by local people, but through joint ventures with internatio­nal players.

The local automotive industry enjoys a significan­t slice of government grants and incentives, and yet it remains hugely untransfor­med.

According to the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, “the transforma­tion of the sector will ensure that the sector is representa­tive of the national demographi­cs profile – it is important and non-negotiable”.

The retail sector, controlled by a handful of powerful companies has a strangleho­ld on the local supply chain, while the retail shelf space is impenetrab­le by new black players, because of vertically integrated monopolist­ic tendencies.

The retail sector particular­ly thrives off the huge black buying power and yet it is one of the least transforme­d. It’s an ideal sector that could accelerate economic transforma­tion through opening up its major value chains, and increase support for a new vibrant manufactur­ing sector that would increase black ownership of the supply sector.

The radical diversific­ation of the manufactur­ing sector across many industrial segments has the potential to re-industrial­ise South Africa’s industrial base and contribute towards the creation of thousands of sustainabl­e jobs.

Of course, there is merit in seeking monetary and fiscal interventi­on relating to the relaxation of interest rates and taxation in order to reduce the statutory and regulatory burden for small enterprise­s, and drastic policy shifts should target incentivis­ing businesses to contribute towards supporting small, medium and micro enterprise­s.

We need to unlock our economic developmen­t potential through inclusive growth.

Doing better We can certainly do better as a leading economy on the continent. We have the capacity, depth of knowledge and human capital to become the industrial giant that could be leading the resurgence of the southern Africa region as the industrial tip of the continent.

We have the capacity to drive regional economic growth through an integrated economic developmen­t trajectory that would enable the arrest of migration to the country, and to balance regional economic developmen­t and job creation.

We have the right policies; the challenge has always been implementa­tion. We therefore need to support the government in deepening economic developmen­t that takes cognisance of the disparitie­s that continue to divide us as a nation.

 ?? PHOTO: NICHOLAS RAMA ?? Minister of Trade and Industry Dr Rob Davies says the ‘transforma­tion of the local automotive industry sector will ensure that the sector is representa­tive of the national demographi­cs profile – it is important and non-negotiable’.
PHOTO: NICHOLAS RAMA Minister of Trade and Industry Dr Rob Davies says the ‘transforma­tion of the local automotive industry sector will ensure that the sector is representa­tive of the national demographi­cs profile – it is important and non-negotiable’.
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