Cape Times

Port tariffs: ‘clawback time’ after decades of ‘overchargi­ng’


THERE is no justificat­ion for any increase in port tariffs, and it is time port users were compensate­d for decades of overchargi­ng, says the Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The body was commenting on proposals to increase port tariffs by 8.45% this year and 24.8% next year.

Chamber president Janine Myburgh said recent revelation­s and court cases had made it clear that Transnet had been involved in a great deal of wasteful spending and corruption, and it was time for cargo owners to “claw back” money spent on excessive port charges.

In the letter, she pointed out that a 2012/2013 study by the Port Regulator had found that cargo dues paid by cargo owners were 874% above the global average.

It was true that these dues had been reduced, but they were still above the global average.

She pointed out that the Regulatory Manual for Tariffs said that “the key purpose of applying clawbacks is to ensure that the National Ports Authority or any other port user is fairly treated and is not subject to unfair losses or gains…”

Myburgh said a further problem was that the NPA based tariffs on how much revenue they needed, rather than the actual cost of operating the ports.

Port users had every right “to expect the revenue raised from the ports to be well and productive­ly used. Unfortunat­ely this is not the case, and profits on the ports go to Transnet.

“In recent months we have become aware of a massive wasteful spending and a corruption problem in the Transnet family.

The “Gupta leaks”, for example, have revealed that a “kickback” of R95.6 million was paid on a R651m order for cranes. On a second purchase of 22 cranes from Liebherr, a kickback of R46.4m was paid.

“The situation in Transnet is even worse. The former chairman of the Transnet Board, Popo Molefe, talked about wide-scale looting and went to court to have a R4.8 billion order for unsuitable Spanish locomotive­s set aside.

“The court cancelled the deal and ordered Swifambo Rail Leasing, the intermedia­ry in the deal, to refund a sum of R2.6bn.”

The Gupta leaks had revealed that, in all R5.3bn in “fees” on locomotive purchases had been paid to companies with Gupta links.

“In these circumstan­ces, we submit, that it is absurd to base tariffs on ‘revenue needed’ when the revenue could include billions of rand for wasteful or corrupt transactio­ns by Transnet.”

“It is the chamber’s view that it is now time for cargo owners to be given the advantage of the clawback provision and for port dues and other tariffs to be reduced in order to compensate cargo owners for years of overchargi­ng,” Myburgh said. Dean Le Grange Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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