Cape Times

Asylum for a despot?


SOMETIMES there is no thought process when people make statements to the press.

I see the EFF has called on the ANC to grant Mugabe and his family asylum in South Africa. The party lambasted the DA for opposing possible asylum because Mugabe was suspected of having committed human rights violations. The EFF went on to say he has never been convicted of this.

One knows why. But does the EFF not remember that Mugabe unleashed his North Korean-trained fifth brigade on Nkoma’s Ndebele people in a campaign that left an estimated 20 000 people dead? Massacred by Mugabe.

How does anyone forget that and then have the cheek to say he had not committed any human rights violations?

Then the seizure of white-owned farms and the killing spree by the veterans. Was that not human rights violations?

So grow up EFF and read the history of Zimbabwe before asking for asylum for this despot who systematic­ally ruined his country, leaving his people starving and in dire straits while he and his wife built bigger homes, shopped until they dropped and had their medical needs taken care of outside the country and stashed away billions that could have been used for the good of their country. What a cheek. Sadly, the people of Zimbabwe waited 37 long hard years to oust this despot so one hopes they didn’t leave it too late.

There are lessons to be learnt here in South Africa. Our MPs had a chance to oust Zuma in the no-confidence debate but they rallied around a corrupt president. I hope they are feeling afraid. Barbie Sandler Claremont

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