Cape Times

Is that yoghurt really healthy?

- Casey Seidenberg

I GREW up eating strawberry yoghurt. Now there is drinkable yoghurt, squeezable yoghurt, Greek yoghurt, and yoghurt made with coconuts, soy, almonds, cashews, hemp and flax seeds.

Kefir and lassi are yoghurt’s close relatives and don’t forget the frozen kind.

So which ones are actually yoghurt and which ones are healthy?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, yoghurt is made by adding bacteria to milk to help ferment some of its carbohydra­tes.

Alternativ­e products such as almond and coconut milk yoghurt may not be made from real milk, but because they taste like yoghurt, smell like yoghurt, are eaten like yoghurt, are sold in the same grocery aisle as yoghurt and are made from a form of milk, let’s call them by the same name.

When evaluating yoghurt for nutrition, start by looking at the sugar content on the nutrition facts panel.

Traditiona­l yoghurt has natural sugars from lactose and from any real fruit, both of little concern, but you do want to avoid added sugars such as cane sugar or fake sugars such as aspartame or sucralose.

Most “fruit-flavoured” yoghurts do not include much fruit, but have added sweeteners and flavours. Ideally, your choice would deliver less than 15g of sugar a serving, and more grams of protein than sugar.

After you investigat­e the sugar content, search the label for food colourings or other additives and avoid brands with too many.

Countless drinkable and squeezable yoghurts have lots of additives and large amounts of sugar.

Carrageena­n is one of the most common additives in alternativ­e milks and yoghurts, and is suspected to be an allergen and digestive irritant. It is extracted from red seaweed and used as an emulsifier to stabilise the ingredient­s.

Comparing different yoghurts

Cow’s yoghurt milk: provides Cow’s milk the ample protein (6-8g a small container), calcium and B vitamins yoghurt is famous for. Cow’s milk yoghurt contains less lactose than straight cow’s milk because much of the lactose is used up during fermentati­on, which means people who are lactose-intolerant may be able to digest yoghurt better than milk.

Greek yoghurt is usually thicker and higher in protein (14-16g a small container) because it is strained to remove the liquid whey, but it is often lower in calcium and other minerals as many of theses nutrients get left behind in straining.

Most cow’s milk yoghurt contains good bacteria beneficial to the gut, yet when yoghurt is heated too much and processed – for instance when it is added to cereal bars, ground into a powder or used to cover raisins – it loses beneficial bacteria.

Goat’s milk: Many people who have a hard time digesting cow’s milk do better with goat’s milk. This offers similar protein, calcium and fat counts as cow’s milk but can cost more. Almond milk: Almond milk yoghurts are often low in sugar and deliver healthy fats, but they are also lower in protein (4-6g) than cow’s milk yoghurts and have almost no calcium unless fortified. Avoid brands with a long list of additives or thickeners and remember that nuts can be an allergen.

Hemp milk: Hemp milk yoghurt provides heart-healthy omega-3 fats, about 8g of protein and many essential amino acids. It lacks calcium, is pricey and is harder to find in stores, but makes a healthy snack.

Flax milk: Flax milk yoghurts provide heart-healthy omega-3 fats, about 6g of protein (partially derived from pea protein), some calcium (about 20% of the recommende­d daily allowance) and good bacteria. They are pricey and have a long ingredient list.

Cashew milk: This yoghurt is lower in sugar with generally 1g a serving, is a source of good bacteria and is made with fewer ingredient­s and additives than other alternativ­es. Yet it provides less protein than many, about 3g a serving, and almost no calcium.

Coconut milk: Yoghurts made from coconut milk are low in sugar and full of antioxidan­ts and provide easily metabolise­d fatty acids yet they are also low in protein (about 1-3g a serving).

Soy milk: These yoghurts have protein counts comparable to cow’s milk ones and healthy, unsaturate­d fats. Studies show soy products can lower cholestero­l and decrease blood sugar levels, especially in diabetes sufferers. Unsweetene­d soy yoghurt may have no sugar, yet also very little calcium. Watch for too many thickeners and additives.

Pea protein: Yoghurts made from pea and potato proteins plus coconut are high in protein with 6g a serving, and low in sugar. They are fortified with calcium, vitamin B and vitamin D.

If these yoghurts all sound good options, it is because they are. Each offers different health benefits, but some include additives you may want to avoid.

My mother gave us yoghurt for the protein and calcium, and those nutrients remain most prevalent in traditiona­l yoghurt. Nearly all those made from alternativ­e milks provide less naturally occurring protein and less calcium (or none), fewer saturated fats, more healthful fats and less sugar.

So listen to your body and whichever yoghurt leaves you feeling good is your winner. – Washington Post

Seidenberg is co-founder of Nourish Schools and co-author of The Super Food Cards.

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 ??  ?? GOING NUTS: Almond and coconut milk yoghurt may not be made from real milk, but they taste like yoghurt, smell like yoghurt, are eaten like yoghurt and are sold in the same grocery aisle as yoghurt.
GOING NUTS: Almond and coconut milk yoghurt may not be made from real milk, but they taste like yoghurt, smell like yoghurt, are eaten like yoghurt and are sold in the same grocery aisle as yoghurt.
 ??  ?? GREEK GOODNESS: Greek yoghurt is usually thicker and higher in protein because it’s strained to remove the liquid whey, but many of its good nutrients get left behind during straining.
GREEK GOODNESS: Greek yoghurt is usually thicker and higher in protein because it’s strained to remove the liquid whey, but many of its good nutrients get left behind during straining.

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