Cape Times

DRC children flee to Burundi


BUJUMBURA: Thousands of unaccompan­ied children have descended on Burundi after fleeing worsening conflicts in the neighbouri­ng Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Unaccompan­ied children are by definition minors separated from both parents and other relatives.

They are the majority of the 8 000 civilians who have escaped grave human rights violations in the South Kivu and are taking refuge in south-western Burundi.

Some 65% percent of the Congolese refugees are children.

“Many of them arrived without their parents and are particular­ly at risk of violence or abandonmen­t,” said Patrick Kelders, Handicap Internatio­nal’s head of the Great Lakes projects in Africa.

“We need funding to make sure they are better protected and to supply a wider range of emergency assistance to those who need it.”

Patrick said overall, needs were acute with very limited access to drinking water, food and sanitary facilities.

The humanitari­an organisati­on has pledged to begin distributi­ng emergency kits to 1 000 refugees.

These kits contain mosquito nets, blankets, mattresses, soap, jerrycans and water purificati­on tablets.

Children are bearing the brunt of multiple conflicts in the DRC.

In the Kasai region alone militia have recruited between 5 000 and 10 000 children into battle.

The DRC is plagued by numerous conflicts, which have worsened since President Joseph Kabila extended his stay in power at the expiry of his mandate in 2016.

More than 4 million civilians have fled their homes.

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