Cape Times

Handbags are havens for bacteria


A WOMAN’S handbag contains many of the essentials she needs to meet the demands of her world – but according to studies, it also contains more bacteria than an average toilet seat.

“As women, we hardly go anywhere without our handbags,” says Casey Rousseau from 1st for Women Insurance. “They’re extensions of ourselves and home to everything we hold dear. A study conducted by Initial Washroom Hygiene showed there could be as many as 10 000 bacteria on and in your handbag.”


■ Clean your handbag with anti-bacterial soap daily. Thorough and regular cleaning of genuine leather bags and purses is important as their spongy texture offers perfect conditions for the growth and spread of bacteria.

■ Keep your handbag out of bacteria danger zones. Avoid placing it in high-risk areas, especially bathroom counters, kitchen counters, floors and toilet seats.

■ Wipe down the items in your bag including make-up and cellphone, using anti-bacterial wipes. Don’t forget to clean the bottom and handles or strap.

■ Dip your tube of lipstick in alcohol for 15 to 30 seconds then wipe away the top layer to clean it properly. Leave lipstick and mascara in the freezer overnight to kill the bacteria and viruses.

■ Regularly go through the contents to get rid of things you don’t need.

■ Avoid dirt and rubbish from collecting at the bottom. Used tissues are among the culprits as the flu virus can live on them for up to 12 hours.

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