Cape Times




Even in a field of strong players at a major tournament, errors — by both sides — can determine the result of a deal. Richard Oshlag sent me today’s deal from a pairs event at the ACBL Spring NABC.

North-South got to four spades with a “transfer” auction. South won the first diamond in dummy and took the A-K of trumps and then the queen. She next led the ten of hearts. Oshlag, East, covered with his queen, South won, and West ... followed low.

Club Tricks

West won the next heart and led another diamond, but South won, ruffed a heart and took her club tricks. At Trick 12 she ruffed a heart with dummy’s last trump, as East had to follow. Making five, plus 650, a good North-South result.

South erred by taking the third high trump. She must instead start the hearts and can score both of dummy’s low trumps by ruffing. As it was, West could have unblocked a heart honor under the ace, letting East win the second heart and cash his jack of trumps to hold South to just 10 tricks.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ K Q 7 6 3 ♥ 10 4 ♦ K 5 4 ♣ A 7 5. Your partner opens one heart, you bid one spade and he raises to three spades. What do you say? Answer: Slam is likely. Partner’s hand may be worth as many as 18 points, and he has four-card spade support. A minimum such as

A 10 8 2, A K 7 6 5, A 3, 6 4 will make six spades a fine spot. Cue-bid four clubs to show the ace and slam interest. If partner cue-bids four diamonds in return, cue-bid five diamonds. South dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ??  ??

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