Cape Times

Sona needs to capture clear growth path

- Bonang Mohale is the chief executive of BLSA.

THE MAIN feature of the South African political and socio-economic landscape since the end of the Zuma administra­tion has been President Cyril Ramaphosa’s campaign to revitalise the economy.

When Ramaphosa speaks to the nation in his second State of the Nation address (Sona) this week, all eyes will be on whether he puts paid to standing commitment­s to go through the gears and deepen the shift towards investment and growth, or whether he will opt to idle forth, tinkering around the edges of an unsustaina­ble growth trajectory.

Any government managing expectatio­ns overlaid by distrust and anxiety has to narrow the distance between its avowals and the socio-economic realities of citizens’ lives.

To his credit, Ramaphosa has made headway since the malaise of the Zuma era, but progress seems to have slowed in the build-up to the 2019 elections as the underlying conditions, political compromise­s and policy choices shaping the transition to the sixth democratic government forestalle­d the momentum of change.

The sense of consolidat­ion and renewal since the electoral victory of the Ramaphosa administra­tion has bought the ruling party valuable time to replenish its authority, repair the legitimacy of the State and strengthen the leadership corpse in government ministries and department­s that had been denuded during the nine lost years of the Zuma government. It is a huge undertakin­g, in circumstan­ces that are hardly auspicious.

The stakes are high. Looming is the spectre of yet another recession after two consecutiv­e quarters of negative growth and the attendant risk of another credit downgrade. This threatens to worsen an already lethal cocktail of social and economic problems. Job creation on the scale needed depends heavily on investment. However, a host of factors continues to feed the reluctance of foreign and domestic business to invest massively in a renewed industrial­isation drive capable of creating large numbers of viable jobs.

For one, according to Statistics SA (2018), just 40 percent of working-age South Africans (or 2 out of 5 working-age South Africans) has a job, compared with 65 percent in Brazil, 71 percent in China and 55 percent in India. It is further asserted that in order to match the emerging markets average of 56 percent, South Africa would need to employ 18 million people.

On these calculatio­ns, the Organisati­on of Economic Developmen­t (OECD) estimates that reducing unemployme­nt to 10 percent by 2025 requires the creation of 7.5 million jobs, assuming that labour force participat­ion returns to its pre-2008 crisis rate of 58 percent.

From an internatio­nal perspectiv­e, this is a low participat­ion rate. If labour force participat­ion were to rise to an emerging market average of 65 percent, an estimated 10 million jobs would need to be created. The concerns, though, run deeper. According to the OECD’s 2018 country assessment of South Africa, “inactivity is widespread, settlement structures are too remote from economic centres, and severe infrastruc­ture bottleneck­s prevent economic activity from delivering the benefits of prosperity to all”.

This constellat­ion of developmen­ts has contribute­d to persistent­ly wide income inequaliti­es.

According to 2018 Statistics SA data, South Africa’s Gini coefficien­t (the measure of inequality) is among the highest in the world, at 0.64. Thus, the highest levels of income inequality in the world are combined with a large proportion of the South African population living below the poverty line – more than half the population live on less than $2 (R29) a day.

To confront these challenges the economy needs to achieve and sustain much stronger rates of investment (both domestic and foreign direct) and inclusion of people in growth-enhancing and employment-absorbing economic activities than is currently the case. Will the economy achieve this?

There are enormous opportunit­ies for success and the ruling party and Ramaphosa-led government have broadcast their determinat­ion to do the repairs. But the formative compass points of the transition to a new era have stayed fundamenta­lly unadjusted, despite avowals of the government. For one, we are yet to see tangible moves toward fiscal consolidat­ion and the reallocati­on of R400 billion under Ramaphosa’s economic recovery plan.

Second, uncertaint­y in the land market continues to bedevil investor confidence. In light of the recent submission by the panel of experts on land reform, it is imperative that anxieties over the expropriat­ion of land are settled without further delay.

Now that the final report has been handed to Ramaphosa, to advise government on how to resolve the issue of land restitutio­n, redistribu­tion and developmen­t, this matter deserves urgent attention.

Third, key policy imperative­s that require strong interventi­onist authority to engineer shifts in industrial sectors identified in the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) as priority areas must be executed.

These include the rollout of ICT spectrum to resolve the connectivi­ty challenge; tangible measures to promote SMEs, particular­ly in township economies, as an integral part of the re-industrial­isation plan; a clear plan on rebuilding the capacity of stateowned enterprise­s, particular­ly Eskom, SAA, the SABC, Denel and Transnet.

For Eskom, Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) has maintained that due to the systematic risk that our power utility represents, urgent action is required on the appointmen­t of a chief executive to bring stability. Business expects clarity on the governance structure, given that it is hard to understand the decision-making and approval processes.

At the last Sona, the president announced an unbundling process, the implementa­tion process for which we expect an update, including the appointmen­t of a chief reorganisa­tion officer. Given that Eskom cannot trade itself out of its own debt, a clear plan for fixing the balance sheet is required.

It would help our economy if Ramaphosa announces more strident moves to support SEZs through subsidies, tax breaks and other incentives. Reallocati­ng investment incentives is heavily reliant on the dexterity and agility of the government, control of which has fortunatel­y shifted to the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) now that the Economic Developmen­t Department has been merged.

Fourth, Ramaphosa has to move swiftly to settle anxieties in internatio­nal markets over the independen­ce and mandate of the South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) following contradict­ory statements from his ruling party. Safeguardi­ng the independen­ce and mandate of Sarb is indispensa­ble to institutio­nal stability, investor confidence and growing the economy.

It is discomfort­ing that key positions at Sarb are vacant or about to be vacant. These positions should be filled forthwith.

Even governor Lesetja Kganyago’s tenure comes to an end in November. At least two more deputy governors’ positions require immediate appointmen­ts. As long as these challenges remain unresolved, trust will fray, confidence will diminish and a golden opportunit­y to revitalise the economy will soon pass. The biggest challenge for government is to build legitimacy and trust on foundation­s of sound policy and action.

Now is the time to rebuild our country and grow the economy.


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