Cape Times



FIVE-TIME world champion Lewis Hamilton said decisions about Formula One’s rules should be left in the hands of the governing body rather than teams with vested interests.

Speaking after his victory in a procession­al French Grand Prix on Sunday, the Mercedes driver felt the sport was in a mess and drivers could play their part in getting it back on the right track.

Hamilton, pictured, attended a meeting of teams, Formula One management, the governing FIA and tyre supplier Pirelli in Paris on June 13 along with Renault driver Nico Hulkenberg and Grand Prix Drivers’ Associatio­n head Alexander Wurz.

It was the first time the Briton, winner of 79 races, had attended and he said he realised the responsibi­lity he had as a multiple champion.

He was also critical of the current decision-making process.

“The way it is set up, just from watching when I was there, it’s not good,” he said. “It’s really not good. They won’t like me saying that. I see the mess that we’re in, I see it every year.

“I think ultimately the FIA, they’re the governing body and they need to make all the decisions.

“The teams shouldn’t be involved in that, in my opinion because the teams will all want to do something for themselves.

“It’s the same in football; If all the football teams sat in a room and said the sport should be like this, they would push and pull for their own benefit.

“Whereas if you get (a) central group of people telling us, like the FIA for example, that their sole job is to make the sport great again ... they should just have the power and they should make the decisions.”

Hamilton said those running the sport should come from outside because of the risk of bias. | Reuters

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