Cape Times




Today’s deal reminds me of the old definition of a bargain: “something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.”

When West led the deuce of spades against six hearts, South saw a chance for a bargain buy. Taking the “free finesse,” he played low from dummy, hoping West had led from the king. East won and returned a spade. South then drew trumps, but when he took the A-K of diamonds, East discarded, and West was sure to get a diamond trick. Down one.

Last Club

South should have resisted. His play might have made an overtrick, but South didn’t need a trick with the queen of spades to make his slam. South must take the ace of spades, draw trumps, cash the A-K of clubs and ruff dummy’s last club. He then takes the A-K of diamonds.

When East shows out, South is still safe. He exits with a spade, and the defender who wins will be endplayed.

When East wins, he must concede a ruffsluff. If West won, he would have to lead a diamond from his jack or yield a ruff-sluff.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ Q 4 ♥ A J 9 5 2 ♦ A K Q 2 ♣ 8 3. Your partner opens one spade, you respond two hearts, he bids three clubs and you try three diamonds. Partner then bids 3NT. What do you say?

Answer: Partner’s three clubs was a “high reverse,” promising substantia­l extra strength. If he had a hand such as A K 9 7 6, 8, J 5, A 10 7 4 2, he would have rebid two spades. (Some players would have opened one club.) Bid 6NT. If partner has his bid, he will win 12 tricks easily.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ??  ??

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