Cape Times




1 Record with no beginning – it’s observed in church (4)

3 To seek great wealth is something to look forward to (8)

9 Console the chief men in the government (7)

10 What the shopkeeper hopes to make once more (5)

11 No peaceful departure (7,5) 13 Devastate Virginia in a passion (6)

15 Business proposal requiring gentle handling (6)

17 They give people uppercuts (12)

20 Cut the ends off the fruit (5) 21 Very much liking to make a fuss near the arena (7)

22 Get the gin ready (3,1,4) 23 See 7 Down


1 Obtains compensati­on for injury and gets better (8)

2 It’s not allowed, thanks to a shout of disapprova­l (5)

4 Take it in turns to put up in price (6)

5 Not a government boarding house! (5,7)

6 Having made no mistakes, the editor demanded payment (7)

7 & 23 Ac Lots seen to become devoid of expression (8)

8 It’s not assumed to be topdressin­g! (12)

12 Makes a forecast before the pundits? (8)

14 Overpass by way of a pipeline? (7)

16 Shocking drama over a defeated fleet (6)

18 Initially, every Liberal is truly elected! (5)

19 Stop usurpers hiding a noted achievemen­t (4)

Yesterday’s solutions:

Across: 1 Out of sorts. 7 Leave. 8 Oculist. 10 Theories. 11 Pick. 13 Expose. 15 Ballot. 17 Amok. 18 Lucky hit. 21 Emotion. 22 Amass. 23 Wedding-day.

Down: 1 Orate. 2 The press. 3 Flower. 4 Opus. 5 Trivial.

6 All the same. 9 Take to task. 12 Backward. 14 Propose.

16 Turn on. 19 Heady. 20 Mind.

 ??  ??

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