Cape Times

Let’s not undervalue Africa’s plants in Covid-19 battle

Government and traditiona­l health practition­ers need to co-operate


SOUTH Africa has entered a perilous phase in the unfolding of the Covid-19 pandemic, with infections and deaths increasing at a dramatic rate. In the Eastern Cape, hospitals are overrun and mortuaries are struggling to keep up. And worse is still to come, as the pandemic gains pace in other provinces and the decades-long neglect of the country’s health care system bears its bitter fruit.

For once, the most fortunate may be those living in deep rural areas, where the curse of isolation has become a blessing. But this too remains to be seen, given not only the neglect of health care in rural areas, but also the inadequate water supply and shortage of ambulances and transport in general.

There is as yet neither a cure nor a vaccine against Covid-19. As the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) states: “While several drug trials are ongoing, there is currently no proof that hydroxychl­oroquine or any other drug can cure or prevent Covid-19.”

The only breakthrou­gh to date has been the discovery by scientists in the UK that dexamethas­one, a corticoste­roid used to treat a range of conditions, can reduce deaths among ventilator patients with Covid-19. This means that, apart from hospitalis­ation in the severest cases, for most people who contract Covid-19 the only possible treatment is symptomati­c. What can the thousands of South Africans with flu-like symptoms – for many of whom over-the-counter medicines are unaffordab­le or unavailabl­e – take for effective symptomati­c relief?

To address this question, I turned to my copy of People’s Plants – a guide to useful plants of southern Africa by Ben-Erik van Wyk and Nigel Gericke (2018). Here I found a plethora of traditiona­l remedies for the flu and related ailments.

These include, among others: 1) Adansonia digitata, also called baobab or kremetartb­oom (Afrikaans) – The fruit pulp is used to treat fever and diarrhoea, and is rich in Vitamin C. 2) Cannabis sativa, marijuana, dagga (Afrikaans), umya (isiXhosa), matokwane (Sesotho) or nsangu (isiZulu) – Still controvers­ial, but well-establishe­d as a traditiona­l medicine. Weak hot water infusions are used for asthma, bronchitis, headache, migraine, pain, colds, flu and coughs. In modern medicine, the plant and its extracts, and isolated cannabinoi­ds, are used to treat extreme pain, nausea caused by chemothera­py, and to improve appetite in cancer patients. 3) Capparis tomentosa or woolly caper bush – A very popular traditiona­l medicine in southern Africa. Used for headache, coughs, pneumonia, and tuberculos­is.

People’s Plants includes traditiona­l tonics that reportedly strengthen immunity. My focus, however, was strictly on medicinal plants – in particular, on plants that can reportedly be used for the relief of fever, coughs, sore throat, diarrhoea, asthma, pneumonia and tuberculos­is. I discounted those remedies that require one to inhale the smoke of plants, as anything thus smoked is harmful to the lungs.

While none of these medicines will cure a viral infection, generation­s of South Africans have turned to them for symptomati­c relief. For Covid-19 sufferers, it may be worth trying those remedies that have undergone safety tests.

My main aim in compiling this list was to highlight some of the country’s indigenous plants that could be scientific­ally studied for their chemical effects in the treatment of diseases. Such studies could lead to commercial­isable products, as has been the case with a number of traditiona­l treatments.

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) has long been aware of South Africa’s wealth of biodiversi­ty and rich history of herbal remedies, and concerned about the erosion of the country’s traditiona­l knowledge. To address this, the DSI establishe­d an indigenous knowledge management system, invested in research and developmen­t of traditiona­l herbal products, and identified biotechnol­ogy as a strategic focus area.

The Biomanufac­turing Industry Developmen­t Centre was establishe­d at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to translate biomanufac­turing concepts and technologi­es into market-ready products and services. Various products and spin-off companies have resulted from this, demonstrat­ing what South Africa could achieve by studying promising indigenous plants for developmen­t into innovative products, symptomati­c treatments, and possibly life-saving drugs.

There is growing interest in African medicinal plants among both scientists and pharmaceut­ical companies on the lookout for new substances for potential commercial­isation. While no plant compound from southern Africa has yet been turned into a marketed drug, a few phytopharm­aceuticals have been developed or are in the process of being developed.

More than ever, there is huge potential for innovation in this field, and the DSI’s initiative­s are worthy of support, from the private as well as the public sector.

People’s Plants notes that traditiona­l African medicines are seldom used in isolation, but co-exist with other medicinal groups and practices, including Western allopathic medicine. This was recently demonstrat­ed by sangoma (traditiona­l healer) Gcinani Bango. When Bango tested positive for Covid-19, he consulted a medical doctor and was admitted to hospital, where he fortunatel­y recovered within a few days. Bango is now intent on educating others about Covid-19, and believes there should be more co-operation between the government and traditiona­l health practition­ers to overcome the pandemic.

People’s Plants also notes that traditiona­l medicine, unlike “reductioni­st” Western science, values not only the chemical effects of medicines but also their symbolic and spiritual aspects. Van Wyk and Gericke believe that “unifying therapeuti­c principles” will ultimately bring the various medicinal practices closer together.

I personally hope that South Africa’s people will find solace and relief at this time in the country’s rich diversity of beliefs, rituals, and traditiona­l treatments of disease.

Niehaus is the Executive Director of the National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF). She writes in her personal capacity, and the views expressed here do not necessaril­y reflect those of the executive committee or members of the NSTF.

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