Cape Times

Don’t get in a tangle over advert for shampoo


I HAVE been following the debacle in the newspaper over the Clicks advert for its hair products.

How sad that it has become such a huge point of dissension and division, which I am positive was never Clicks’ intention.

All the advert was doing was pointing out the various difference­s between the many different kinds of hair that people have on their heads, and suggesting some of the remedies that have been developed. We human beings are all different, and whatever colour skin we may have, so the hair on each individual’s head is different too.

Some of us are blessed with a lovely full head of hair, while others go bald – usually men! Some of us have dry, brittle and fragile hair, some have greasy, unmanageab­le hair. As people age, so their hair often becomes thin and lank, and we almost all end up grey!

What a pity we can’t celebrate our difference­s, buy the products suggested by the retailers to try and remedy our particular problem, and not see more into it than that.

I think almost all South Africans are tired of conflict and the stirring up of old wounds. Please don’t look for insults in everything, and don’t listen to the people who just want to stir up division and antipathy towards each other.

They are just trouble makers and our common sense should tell us that. Let’s adopt a policy of “Live and let live” and try to be kind to everyone we meet. That’s the way to heal our country.

LYNN HARDING | Noordhoek

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