Daily Dispatch

Tournament dispute intensifie­s


THE battle lines have been firmly drawn in the ongoing spat between Safa Buffalo City and its affiliate East London Central.

The relationsh­ip between the two has reached its lowest point, with Safa BC issuing a letter of “dissolutio­n” of the latter’s executive committee. The Dispatch has a copy of the letter. The tussle centres on EL Central LFA plans to host a soccer tournament to celebrate a centenary in football in North End over the Easter weekend, and the disputed status of Gavin van Rooyen, EL Central LFA’s elected chairman but, according to Safa BC, a suspended member. Safa BC is opposing the hosting of the North End tournament because it clashes with the Easter Tournament organised by the regional body.

In a letter addressed to the EL Central LFA last week, signed by Vukile Mlanjana [Safa BC general secretary], the North End-based LFA is “prohibited to hold any activity that clashes with the Safa Buffalo City event”.

EL Central LFA are not budging. “Our planned 100-year Easter Celebratio­n event shall continue as planned,” said Van Rooyen.

The bad blood between the two parties is evident in many back-and-forth letters they have exchanged over the last few months (of which the Dispatch has copies).

More confusing is Safa BC’s invitation to EL Central LFA to a meeting today, the very one that is the subject of the dissolutio­n e-mail.

EL Central LFA secretary Burton Brown dismissed the Safa BC leadership as being a “law unto themselves”. He also reaffirmed that Van Rooyen was not suspended as far as the LFA was concerned. Brown said Safa BC was trying to divide the LFA by inviting its member clubs to today’s meeting without notifying the EL LFA. They have since instructed their clubs to snub the meeting.

Added Van Rooyen: “We do not acknowledg­e Safa BC’s allegation of my suspension as no charges were presented to me. Neither has the letter of suspension been handed to me personally or to EL Central, as required by the Safa national disciplina­ry code of ethics.”

Brown believes Mlanjana and president Prince Sibam are “jealous of Van Rooyen’s knowledge of football, which exceeds theirs”.

“It is just sour grapes they have with Gavin because of his great knowledge of football,” charged Brown. Not only that but they are going after our LFA, the most functional in this region even if I have to say so myself, but our track record and success speak volumes.”

Mlanjana said he and Sibam were carrying the mandate of the the regional executive committee.

The ELC LFA has requested an urgent interventi­on by Safa national, claiming “we are being unfairly victimised and marginalis­ed by our regional leadership (Safa BC)”.

Safa national EC secretary Isaac Klass confirmed receipt of the dispute, which he has since forwarded to the Joburg office’s legal department.

Mlanjana had not yet replied to further questions e-mailed to him on Monday. —

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