Daily Dispatch

Only two of 17 residences at UFH to be built


ONLY two of 17 residences at the University of Fort Hare will be built pending the re-adjudicati­on of the remaining phases of the R400millio­n contract.

This remains so even after further costly legal skirmishes between competing contractor­s for the tender.

In the latest skirmish, joint venture (JV) Asag/Isondlo, which originally won the contract, failed in its applicatio­n for leave to appeal a judgment in March that effectivel­y prohibited it from proceeding with the final three phases of the four-phase contract.

Its competitio­n, failed bidder Equicent, had brought a counter-applicatio­n, asking the court to declare the JV had effectivel­y abandoned its right to appeal because it had agreed in writing to unreserved­ly implement the order.

In terms of the law, if one of the parties unequivoca­lly conveys its intention to be bound by a judgment, it abandons its right to appeal.

Judge Judith Roberson declared the JV had indeed abandoned its right to appeal and consequent­ly, in the same breath, dismissed JV’s applicatio­n for leave to appeal.

The JV had written two letters to Equicent in March confirming it had instructed its principal agent and all sub-contractor­s to cease work on all but two buildings in compliance with Roberson’s original order.

However, just a few days later, it submitted its applicatio­n for leave to appeal her order.

It is envisaged the student village will consist of 17 much-needed new residentia­l buildings at UFH accommodat­ing 2 046 students, a student centre, a parking area and walkways.

It has been described as the largest infrastruc­tural developmen­t project ever undertaken by UFH.

Asag/Isondlo indicated to the Daily Dispatch last month it regarded the court ruling as a temporary setback until the re-evaluation of the remaining part of the tender was completed.

“We remain confident in terms of the quality and pricing of our submission and look forward to a fast and efficient resolution,” it said.

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