Daily Dispatch

Britain’s future on a knife-edge – Cameron

UK politician­s wrap up wooing voters ahead of today’s polls


BRITAIN’S political leaders launched their last day of campaignin­g yesterday for the most unpredicta­ble election in living memory which could yield no clear winner and weeks of haggling over the next government.

With neither Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservati­ves nor Ed Miliband’s Labour expected to win a majority today and smaller parties on the rise, the election could also confirm a shift to a fragmented style of politics more familiar in other parts of Europe.

A Conservati­ve win could raise the risk of Britain exiting the European Union because Cameron has promised a referendum on membership, while some business leaders and investors have warned Labour could be bad for the economy.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, leader of the centrist Liberal Democrats, has even suggested there could be another election this year if an unstable minority government takes power. Cameron and Miliband, whose parties are virtually tied in opinion polls, have both embarked on frenetic tours of the country in a lastminute scramble for votes.

“Britain’s future is on a knife-edge. It would be a tragedy if we threw away all the hard work of the past five years and went back to square one,” Cameron wrote in The Times newspaper yesterday.

While both he and Miliband insist they are still fighting for a clear majority in the 650-seat House of Commons, which would let them govern alone, attention is increasing­ly turning to alliances they could make with smaller parties.

Cameron’s Conservati­ves look wellplaced to team up again with Clegg’s Liberal Democrats, with whom they have been in a coalition government since 2010.

While Miliband has ruled out a formal deal with the pro-independen­ce Scottish National Party (SNP), it is thought they could still prop up a minority Labour government on a vote by vote basis.

The Liberal Democrats have left open the possibilit­y of backing either the Conservati­ves or Labour, while the SNP has said it would block the Conservati­ves and the anti-EU UK Independen­ce Party is unlikely to win more than a handful of seats.

Only one thing is certain – the SNP is likely to make major gains and take most of the seats in Scotland, transformi­ng Britain’s political scene and potentiall­y bringing the prospect of Scottish independen­ce closer. Negotiatio­ns to form a government are likely to be complicate­d and a heated debate has already broken out about political legitimacy, given that the party that wins the most seats may not end up governing. The first big test for the new government will come when parliament votes on its legislativ­e programme following the Queen’s Speech on May 27 in a de facto confidence motion.

The Conservati­ves and Labour differ sharply in their approach to cutting the deficit in the world’s fifth-largest economy, the central issue in the election campaign. Cameron’s party favours further austerity cuts, particular­ly to welfare, as have been imposed over the last five years, while Miliband’s party would also make reductions while increasing taxes on the rich. “We can’t carry on as a country where there is one rule for a few and another rule for everyone else,” Miliband says. “There is huge risk to working families from a second-term Tory (Conservati­ve) government, including one propped up by the Lib Dems.”

Polls open at 6am and close at 9pm today, with exit polls published immediatel­y after that and the first results coming in from around midnight and final results expected tomorrow afternoon.

Britons will cast their ballots in around 50 000 polling stations around the country, including in unusual places such as pubs, caravans and garages.

The latest BBC poll of polls average puts the Conservati­ves at 34%, followed by Labour at 33%, UKIP at 14% and the Liberal Democrats at just 8%. But the percentage breakdown is a poor indicator of the final election outcome in Britain because of the first-past-the-post system, which counts the results only in individual constituen­cies, not the overall vote share. — AFP

 ??  ?? CAMPAIGN TRAIL: Labour leader Ed Miliband reaches out to shake supporters after speaking at a rally in Kempston before today’s polls
CAMPAIGN TRAIL: Labour leader Ed Miliband reaches out to shake supporters after speaking at a rally in Kempston before today’s polls the hands of

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