Daily Dispatch

Daily Dispatch

Act on rite deaths, MEC


TRADITIONA­L affairs MEC Fikile Xasa warned at the start of the winter initiation season that traditiona­l leaders would have to answer to him if any initiates died.

Eight days later six initiates were dead, dozens had been hospitalis­ed, and some 16 had to be “re-circumcise­d” due to botched surgeries by bogus traditiona­l surgeons.

Xasa has not yet called any traditiona­l leader to public account.

Last year during the same season, it was recorded that 359 initiates had to be hospitalis­ed, 13 had to undergo penile amputation­s and 39 died.

After last year’s terrible winter season this newspaper recorded how bi-annually politician­s shake their heads at the horror, hold discussion­s at national and provincial level, draw traditiona­l leaders in and talk of clamping down on illegal initiation schools. And then, the horror begins again.

Nothing discernabl­e or effective is happening to drasticall­y change the course of events and save young lives. Unscrupulo­us individual­s manage to run initiation schools just to make a fast buck.

They appear to know little and care less about the real tradition and what lies behind it.

Many rites into manhood involve a similar period of learning, bonding and affirmatio­n. Yet these “illegal” and transitory initiation schools take children into the bush and assault and starve them.

The actual circumcisi­on takes place at the hands of unskilled traditiona­l surgeons – some reportedly as young as 18 – in filthy non-clinical conditions. Post-operative care consists of more starvation and deprivatio­n of essential fluids.

The result is that too many boys never make the transition to adulthood. Many don’t even make it out of their teens. The price is too high and has been for many years.

Xasa promised that if there were even one death, he would be asking difficult questions of traditiona­l leaders. But as political head of this department, it is time some difficult questions were asked of the MEC.

There have been repeated calls over the past decade for more effective implementa­tion of the regulation­s for initiation schools and the traditiona­l surgeons who carry out the procedure. Yet little, beyond head-shaking, happens on the political front.

The winter season is not yet over and many more are likely to die. When exactly does the MEC intend to confront the traditiona­l leaders?

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