Daily Dispatch

EFF bosses to fire their rural councillor­s


ECONOMIC Freedom Fighters deputy president Floyd Shivambu will lead a delegation to East London this weekend, to boot out councillor­s who failed to get 100 votes in their respective wards during the August 3 local government elections.

The Dispatch understand­s that the meeting, which will be held at the Orient Theatre tomorrow at 8am, will have all branch chairs and secretarie­s, as well as all EFF council deployees present.

This follows the party’s national leaders’ decision in August, while reviewing local election results, to recall proportion­al representa­tive councillor­s who secured seats in councils because of their positions on election lists, but failed to get more than 100 votes.

In a letter dated September 30 addressed to Eastern Cape councillor­s, the party’s secretary-general Godrich Gardee wrote: “Please make your own travel arrangemen­ts to attend. No apologies will be entertaine­d.”

EFF national leaders decided to disband both the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provincial structures in August, saying the relatively poor showing at the August polls was a disappoint­ment and called for a major shakeup at ground level.

The party failed to secure a municipali­ty throughout the country, and did not garner enough votes to be an official opposition at any of the Eastern Cape’s 55 municipali­ties.

But the Dispatch understand­s that in both metros – Buffalo City and Nelson Mandela – as well as Sarah Baartman region, the situation is not as critical, as none of the existing councillor­s would lose their positions. “It’s the rural councils which will be affected by these changes because it is in the far-flung rural areas where the ANC is still enjoying a lot of support, especially from the elderly,” said the senior EFF leader.

Gardee and Shivambu could not be reached for comment at the time of writing. — zineg@dispatch.co.za


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