Daily Dispatch

President says he’s a ‘Hitler’ to drug criminals


PHILIPPINE President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday drew a parallel between his deadly war on crime and Hitler’s massacre of Jews, saying he was “happy to slaughter” millions of drug addicts.

Duterte also accused the US and the European Union (EU) for “hypocrisy” in criticisin­g his anti-drug crackdown, in which more than 3 000 people have been killed since he took office three months ago.

“Hitler massacred three million Jews. Now there are three million drug addicts [in the Philippine­s]. I’d be happy to slaughter them,” Duterte said after returning from a visit to Vietnam.

“At least if Germany had Hitler, the Philippine­s would have,” he said, then paused.

“But you know, my victims, I would like to be [sic] all criminals to finish the problem of my country and save the next generation from perdition.”

After a landslide victory in the May elections, Duterte, 71, pledging to wipe out drugs in society, vowing an unpreceden­ted war on crime in which 100 000 people would die.

The ensuing violence has attracted a barrage of criticism from Western government­s and rights groups, which have warned of widespread extrajudic­ial killings as the rule of law crumbles.

US President Barack Obama, UN chief Ban Ki-moon and the European Parliament have all voiced concern. A UN rights expert also warned in August that his call for drug suspects to be killed violated internatio­nal law.

But Duterte has reacted defiantly, and often with abusive language, to all criticism.

In a rambling speech yesterday, Duterte said he was under threat of being brought before an internatio­nal court for genocide, but insisted he was breaking no laws.

“You are portrayed or pictured to be some, a cousin of Hitler. And you do not even bother to find out, to investigat­e. Imagine that, I will be facing . . . even the internatio­nal court for genocide. That’s foolish,” he said.

Duterte also accused the EU and the US of inaction on the migrant crisis emanating from the Middle East.

“You allow them [migrants] to rot and then you’re worried about the death of 1 000, 2 000, 3 000?” — AFP


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