Daily Dispatch

Online shopping’s new face

‘Pay-by-selfie’ way in wings


IF A patent filed by Amazon is anything to go by, consumers will soon be able to pay for online purchases with selfies. Aimed at making online purchasing more convenient for shoppers, the patent will allow consumers to take a photo of themselves instead of having to enter a password.

The process works via facial recognitio­n software, authentica­ting an individual’s unique features and therefore bypassing the need to remember passwords and keep them secure. And while filing for a patent is still a long way from actual implementa­tion, Charlie Stewart of web developmen­t and digital marketing agency Rogerwilco says it is important to note where the move is coming from – Amazon is the world’s largest retailer, and some of its previous patents changed the way people shopped online.

Stewart believes this “shopping by selfie” patent could do the same, particular­ly in the SA online shopping landscape, where mobile is the dominant way of connecting to the internet. He says anything that has the potential to simplify the current unwieldy checkout process could change the way we shop and open the internet to more online purchases.

With mobile’s 40% penetratio­n rate (as opposed to the 5.3% attributed to fixed broadband), the focus for online retailers needs to be on mobile. Stewart says a larger portion of sales in SA should be coming through e-commerce, instead of the 1% at present. He doesn’t believe the growth constraint is because SA is a poor country or that there is no disposable income. Rather it’s about usability constraint­s and retailers who are slow to jump onto the online bandwagon – in addition to concerns about security.

The “pay by selfie” method uses biometric security but comes with its own set of problems – predominan­tly around privacy concerns and the safekeepin­g of biometric data. Still, the use of facial recognitio­n is undergoing a boom globally, with major players such as Google, MasterCard, Alibaba, American Express, PayPal and NEC in the process of researchin­g or implementi­ng these systems.

“The key to growth for online retailers is innovation. Innovation­s such as Amazon’s ‘pay by selfie’ are particular­ly important for online retailers to enhance the convenienc­e of purchasing by smartphone,” says Stewart.

 ??  ?? SNAP AND GO: Amazon’s mooted method of paying for goods raises concerns about privacy and the storage of biometric data
SNAP AND GO: Amazon’s mooted method of paying for goods raises concerns about privacy and the storage of biometric data

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