Daily Dispatch

Prisoner pleads for bail as he alleges repeated rape


A YOUNG prisoner who is awaiting trial yesterday begged an East London magistrate to release him on bail, claiming he has repeatedly been raped by other inmates at the maximum security prison on East London’s West Bank.

The prisoner, 22, from Mooiplaas, has been in custody for five months. He was arrested for allegedly beating a 20-year-old woman and attempting to rape her.

The incident took place in the village in March. While the decision to prosecute him will only be known on September 7, the man yesterday nervously begged to go home due to alleged constant sexual abuse at the hands of other inmates. To date he has made nine court appearance­s.

He cannot be named as he is an alleged victim of a sexual crime and also because he has not yet pleaded to the sexual offence he is accused of.

The youth appeared before bail court magistrate Nazeem Joemath yesterday after launching an urgent bail applicatio­n based on new facts.

He was represente­d in court by Legal Aid South Africa attorney Zolisa Maqhina.

Joemath wanted to ascertain what the new facts were as his court had already dealt with the bail applicatio­n in March.

Clutching his hat, the slim man got up and spoke nervously.

“When I came into prison I was OK. I now fear that I will leave the prison in poor health,” he said.

Joemath then asked the prisoner’s attorney to approach his client and ascertain what the problem was.

After a brief moment Maqhina returned to his desk, scribbled a note and passed it to Joemath.

The note read: “He is alleging that he has been raped on two occasions.”

After reading the note Joemath told the prisoner he needed to follow procedure to address his concern.

“You need to go report this issue with centre management and then see a doctor. For now your matter is postponed to September 7 for further investigat­ion,” Joemath said.

The Daily Dispatch understand­s that Legal Aid has written to the head of West Bank prison asking that the prisoner be taken for medical tests.

If found to have contracted a sexually transmitte­d disease, Legal Aid will forward a bail applicatio­n on new facts.

It is also understood that the decision to prosecute the prisoner now rests with the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns in Grahamstow­n.

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