Daily Dispatch

Dear bank, now what?


DEAR bank

As I’m sure you’re aware, there is a bit of a revolution on the rise – actually there has been for quite some time. It now seems that this revolution is becoming a reality – land reformatio­n.

I took out a bond with you for what I was under the impression would eventually be my property.

Enter Julius Malema, who is now informing all and sundry that the land, which was stolen, must now be returned.

This leaves me with a dilemma: why am I paying Standard Bank for a property, or piece of land, that is stolen?

So, here I am, wondering if I should cease all of my bond repayments until the air is cleared, so that I know I won’t one day have to hand over a property that I have been paying for that was never truly yours and now is never truly going to be mine.

So for now, I think I’ll hold back and keep the cash I would normally put into my bond, and save it up for flights in case my family and I need to make a quick exit out of here.

And please don’t send legal letters advising that you will remove me from my property as I’m sure that in a case like this, squatters rights will apply.

Let’s also consider the legal implicatio­ns involved in selling stolen goods or property to another? Could be quite hellish for you.

The other way to assist with resolving this issue would be for the banks to stand together and oppose this foolish land reclamatio­n process.

You stand to lose billions if it does goes through. — Malcolm Vorster, via e-mail

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