Daily Dispatch

Chance to rewrite matric finals

- By ARETHA LINDEN Education Reporter

THE Department of Basic Education (DBE) has taken a decision to scrap supplement­ary exams and replace it with a new system, which they say will save the department money and also give candidates more time to prepare for the exams.

As from next year, matriculan­ts who have failed or want to improve their results will no longer write supplement­ary exams. Instead a second national exam will be introduced.

In the past, matrics were normally given until the end of January, a few weeks after getting their results, to apply for supplement­ary exams, which were normally written between February and March.

The new system will see the exams being written between May and June.

DBE spokesman Elijah Mhlanga said this was a national decision and was supported by education stakeholde­rs, saying it created access for more people to complete their matric. He said the decision was taken for many reasons, with the high cost of supplement­ary exams being the key factor.

According to Mhlanga, half of the people who qualified to write supplement­ary exams did not register, and of those who did, more than half never show up to do so.

Mhlanga said the department has to provide sufficient invigilato­rs, tables and chairs, as well as the writing material, which was a huge waste of millions every year when the candidates do not show up.

Mhlanga said there was a high failure rate, possibly because there was not enough time to prepare.

Mhlanga said the second matric exam was unlike the supplement­ary exams, which only allowed matrics to rewrite two or less subjects the candidate sat for in the previous end-of-year examinatio­n.

“You will be able to apply to write whatever subject you have failed, but also, if you want to improve your marks, you can re-do the exam of your choice,” said Mhlanga.

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