Daily Dispatch

GM ends monthly reporting of sales

Issuing quarterly figures seen as a more reliable gauge

- By KEITH NAUGHTON —BloombergB­DLive

AFEW years ago, BMW and Nissan were in heated races with their rivals, looking for buyers anywhere they could find. They found them alright – in dealers’ corner offices.

The vehicle makers padded their numbers by coaxing retailers into purchasing cars for their own demo and rental fleets. Dealers griped that the industry’s immense competitiv­e pressures were distractin­g the companies from the goal they should have been focused on: getting actual consumers to buy new vehicles.

This episode helps explain why General Motors (GM) is abandoning monthly sales and reporting them only quarterly instead.

Analysts expect the pace of industry sales may have slowed in April to an annualised rate of 17 million, in line with a year earlier.

GM posits that the industry would be better off getting these readings every three months: the cut-throat nature of the vehicle business contribute­s to short-term fluctuatio­ns that aren’t indicative of legitimate trends.

Antics of the sort BMW and Nissan were engaged in became part of vehicle sales after GM’s legendary leader Alfred Sloan pioneered the practice of regular reporting almost a century ago.

Contention for best-selling car, truck or luxury brand can translate into marketing muscle that some vehicle makers think spurs even more sales.

And executives’ bonuses often depend on meeting or beating targets, adding to the rationale for unhealthy practices. An old automotive scribe once coyly cribbed Mark Twain to describe the phenomenon: there are lies, damn lies and vehicle sales.

Close observers of the car market are sceptical that quarterly reports will provide a higher-quality snapshot of the market.

“It won’t put an end to some of the creative counting,” said Jeff Schuster, senior vice-president of forecastin­g for researcher LMC Automotive.

“You’ll still see those shenanigan­s at the end of the quarter, instead of every month. It minimises how often it happens, but it doesn’t eliminate the manipulati­on.”

With two fewer selling days on the calendar in April, all major vehicle makers are projected to report that sales dropped for the month, with affiliates Hyundai and Kia’s combined deliveries leading declines, according to Bloomberg News.

GM’s absence from reporting yesterday will complicate efforts to gauge the health of the market.

“When you’ve got the biggest player stepping back, it is going to really mess up the metrics,” said Michelle Krebs, senior analyst for researcher Autotrader. “They’re being less transparen­t.”

GM may be reporting less frequently, but it’s going to be more transparen­t than most other vehicle makers, spokesman Jim Cain said. Ford is the only other car maker that breaks down its retail and fleet sales mix and details on inventory, pricing and incentives.

“Quarterly reporting makes it easier for people to spot trends because monthly sales are inherently volatile,” Cain said. “Eliminate the noise and you minimise the risk of confusion.”

BMW and Nissan aren’t alone. In 2016, Fiat Chrysler Automobile­s revised years of sales results after the US Securities and Exchange Commission began investigat­ing allegation­s that the company had been inflating its figures.

The restatemen­t cost the company some bragging rights – it turned out that a six-year streak of rising deliveries that Fiat Chrysler boasted about had actually ended after less than three-and-a-half years.

Back in the 1970s, Chrysler parked newly built models in empty lots around Detroit, known then as “sales banks”, and unloaded them at deep discounts to dealers. The practice nearly bankrupted the company before CEO Lee Iacocca brokered a government bailout.

Ford’s Lincoln line was denied a moment of glory in 1998, when GM’s Cadillac claimed to have pulled out the annual luxury sales win with an improbable 38% jump in December sales. Five months later, GM admitted it had inflated its numbers. The head of GM’s premium brand apologised to the head of Lincoln, which hasn’t won a luxury sales crown since.

Now that GM is going dark on monthly sales, some analysts believe it won’t take long for others to follow. After all, what vehicle maker wants to disclose more than rivals?

“From a competitiv­e standpoint, the other guys certainly don’t want to have to explain things that GM doesn’t,” LMC’s Schuster said.

GM still plans to supply monthly results privately with the US Federal Reserve, which uses the data to help calculate the US GDP. The vehicle maker may also provide limited monthly data to several research firms.

That sets the stage for media outlets making efforts to unearth lesspublic monthly numbers, as they have for years with informatio­n on costly sales incentives, discounted deliveries to rental-car companies and other details.

Let the games begin.

 ?? Picture: MICHAEL PINYANA ?? TRANSPAREN­T SALES: General Motors will only report sales quarterly raising the question of who will follow suit
Picture: MICHAEL PINYANA TRANSPAREN­T SALES: General Motors will only report sales quarterly raising the question of who will follow suit

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