Daily Dispatch

Is surrogacy a legal option in South Africa?

- Shaun Mathie is an attorney with Drake Flemmer & Orsmond Attorneys. He can be contacted on (043) 722-4210

“Because I am medically unable to give birth to a child, my husband and I have talked about the option of surrogacy. We have discussed it with my sister and she has said she is willing to consider it. We’ve not yet spoken about costs or payment for her to do this, because we’re not sure whether surrogacy is allowed in South Africa. Is surrogacy an option we can consider?” Surrogacy is allowed in South Africa and is regulated by the Children’s Act. The Children’s Act contains strict prerequisi­tes which parents must satisfy before entering into a surrogacy agreement. These prerequisi­tes include (but are not limited to):

● The commission­ing parent or parents are unable to give birth to a child and the condition is permanent and irreversib­le;

● They must be competent to enter into a surrogate agreement;

● They must be suitable parents to take care of a child; and

● They must accept the legal consequenc­es of the agreement between them and the surrogate mother.

It is very important to note that no person may, in connection with a surrogate motherhood agreement, give or promise to give to any person, or receive from any person, a reward or compensati­on in cash or in kind.

The only compensati­on or payment allowed is compensati­on for expenses that relate directly to the artificial fertilisat­ion and pregnancy of the surrogate mother, the birth of the child, confirmati­on of the surrogate motherhood agreement, loss of earnings suffered by the surrogate mother, or insurance to cover the surrogate mother for anything that may lead to death or disability brought about by the pregnancy.

The surrogate mother also has to tick certain boxes.

She must, for example, have a documented history of at least one pregnancy and viable delivery, have one living child of her own, and it must be apparent that she is not using the surrogacy as a source of income.

No surrogacy in South Africa, even if the above requiremen­ts are met, will be valid without a valid surrogate motherhood agreement which is in writing, signed by all the parties thereto, and entered into in South Africa and confirmed by the high court within whose area of jurisdicti­on the particular parents are domiciled or habitually resident. The surrogate motherhood agreement will only be confirmed once all of the above-mentioned restrictio­ns and requiremen­ts as required by the Children’s Act have been met and the agreement includes adequate provisions for the contact, care, upbringing, general welfare and best interest of the child.

Before you consider surrogacy as an option, it is recommende­d that you consult a family law specialist to discuss the requiremen­ts for a valid surrogate motherhood agreement.

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