Daily Dispatch

Cuttings looting rampant


The problems that occur daily at the R72 Keiskamma Cuttings have been well reported in this newspaper on several occasions. Trucks laden with goods to be delivered to various destinatio­ns are looted at the stop in full view of the road staff manning these points. Sails are brazenly cut open as gangs of up to six people terrorise motorists and remove their goods before running into the bushes and lying in wait for their next prey. Some of the truck drivers are so frightened that they jump the queues and head off straight into oncoming traffic. Imagine how dangerous it is to suddenly find a 24-ton truck coming at you and there is nowhere to go. The police periodical­ly visit the area but the moment they move away, the show begins all over again. The SAPS claim it is difficult to catch the suspects in this terrain. Surely everyone in the area knows exactly who these robbers are, and I am sure a team from the dog unit would effect arrests.

The amazing thing is that Sanral has spent billions of rand for the upgrade of the R72 road but cannot provide safety to motorists in an area which has for the last 20 years been prone to such attacks. It’s just a matter of time before something dreadful happens.

The SAPS have also not covered themselves in glory regarding this problem and I wonder why they cannot sort the problem out, when the known suspects come from a small area, Xesi and Openshaw locations. – Clive Muller,

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