Daily Dispatch

UK’s ‘Brexit election’ campaign enters final straight


Britain’s election campaign entered its frenetic final straight on Monday with Prime Minister Boris Johnson trying to lock in the votes needed to draw a line under years of arguments and paralysis over European Union membership.

Johnson is hoping Thursday’s poll will hand his ruling Conservati­ves a majority, to allow him to push through his Brexit divorce deal with Brussels.

Parliament has been deadlocked since the result of the last election in 2017, which saw the Tories lose their majority and weaken their ability to implement the result of the 2016 referendum on EU membership.

The main opposition Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn is trying to upset the odds and usher in Britain’s first leftist government in nine years.

The veteran socialist has promised to negotiate his own EU divorce deal and then put it up for a vote in a new referendum that could still keep Britain partially tied to Europe

— or simply cancel Brexit outright.

Opinion polls show the Conservati­ves maintainin­g a healthy lead.

But Johnson needs to win at least half of the House of Commons seats because his party has no clear partners among the smaller parties.

Some polls suggest the vote could produce another hung parliament that extends Britain’s political paralysis and further frustrates the business community and Brussels.

The party’s would-be finance minister John McDonnell promised Monday to “end austerity” and shift wealth from London to the regions in the first 100 days of a Labour-led government.

“Don’t be fooled by the doubters who say our plans are unachievab­le,” McDonnell said.

He promised to “remake the government and what people expect from it”.

The deep ideologica­l divide between the two main parties has produced a fractious and highly personal campaign that appears to have done little to change the minds of voters who opposed or supported Brexit from the start.

Johnson has faced constant questions over his trustworth­iness and Corbyn has been put on the back foot over antiSemiti­sm within his party.

Corbyn’s main attack line has been to accuse Johnson of opening up Britain’s cherished National Health Service (NHS) to US businesses as part of a postBrexit trade deal with President Donald Trump.

Yet his promise of lavish health care spending has been met with scepticism on the campaign trail and within some in the NHS itself.

Corbyn is yet to show signs of mounting the late surge that put Labour within a whisker of winning the 2017 election.

Polls released over the weekend showed the Conservati­ves leading by about 10 percentage points.

Analysts attribute Corbyn’s seeming failings this time around to his initial refusal to support a second Brexit referendum, which most Labour voters want.

Johnson is hoping Thursday's poll will hand his ruling Conservati­ves a majority, to allow him to push through his Brexit divorce deal with Brussels

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