Daily Dispatch

I’ll stick with the DA


In his letter to the editor “Zille Went Too Far” (DD July 3), Canon Graeme Deas gives notice of his intention to withdraw his support for the Democratic Alliance. His reason was the interim leader of that party failed, in his opinion, to censure a senior member of the party, Helen Zille, for her “rants” on social media.

It is, of course, Deas’s democratic right to express a view on what he deems a “rant” and for its consequenc­es.

But one would also expect a true liberal democrat to engage the party in open debate, leading to a resolution of the problem. One would not expect a democrat to walk away in a huff.

Since Deas has now evidently found a political home in the ANC, can he now be called upon to explain how he supports a party which has in 26 years devastated the economy of a once prosperous nation and can today produce only 20 clean municipal audits out of 257 nationally?

There is scarcely a single state-owned enterprise that has not been treated as a convenient milch cow by the ANC.

The result has been the loss of trillions of rands of taxpayers’ money that could otherwise have been used to stabilise Escom, invest in schooling, water, housing etc.

Much of this has taken place under the benign eye of President Cyril Ramaphosa. Vote for the ANC? No thank you. I’ll support the DA, warts and all.

— Errol Moorcroft, via email

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