Daily Dispatch

Come on, Cyril


In my letter to the editor “Zille Went Too Far” (DD July 3) I castigated Helen Zille for her tragic diatribe against the ANC’s 26 years of leadership, and I praised President Cyril Ramaphosa for his leadership in the face of Covid-19.

Today I need to qualify that letter after reflecting on Allan Seccombe’s Insight piece “How ANC Treats the State as its Piggy Bank”, published in the DD on the same day.

Seccombe writes: “Ramaphosa is the smiling face of a rotten ANC. He says the right things, but without action to stop corruption in the party (pulling it out, roots and all) nothing is going to change … The ANC has had 26 years and trillions of rands ... to invest in healthcare, schooling, housing, water, and electricit­y infrastruc­ture.

Instead, it has largely ... nothing to show for it apart from a severely compromise­d country.”

Come on, Mr President! It is time to root out corruption once and for all and rebirth the country to the glorious days of postApril 1994!

—Reverend Canon Graeme Deas, EL

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