Daily Maverick

Summer, the sun and I

Sun damage is one of the biggest contributo­rs to premature ageing. Here’s how to spot the first signs of sun damage and how to protect your skin against the sun’s harmful effects.

- By Nicole Williamson

Exposure to the sun is inevitable. As South Africa makes its way into summer, protection from ultraviole­t radiation – energy that is emitted from the sun in the form of invisible rays – is of paramount importance. Sun damage can cause premature signs of ageing, including fine lines, pigmentati­on, skin sagging and skin dehydratio­n.

It can also lead to skin cancer, a far more serious threat.

Taking steps to minimise sun damage means first understand­ing the importance of protection and prevention, and then implementi­ng new practices into your daily skincare routine.

Dr Cara Duminy, an aesthetic practition­er at Cape Aesthetics, explains that sun damage is split between short-, mediumand long-term effects. While some of the damage the sun does to our skin is immediatel­y visible, other forms of sun damage can cause mutations to single cells that take years to become visible on the skin.

Short-term damage includes sunburn, which manifests as redness or heat on the skin. Fair-toned people are more susceptibl­e to sunburn since they have lower levels of melanin, a natural pigment. Naturally darker individual­s have higher levels of melanin, which makes them less prone to sun damage, but not exempt from the harmful effects of ultraviole­t radiation, so they should still take the necessary steps to protect themselves.

Medium-term damage is seen in freckling (clusters of pigment cells that either occur naturally through genetics or become more prominent when exposed to the sun), premature wrinkling and hypo-pigmentati­on – areas of the skin that become lighter than the base colour. Symptoms including elastosis (sagging skin), wrinkling, decreased hydration, poor skin texture, hyper- and hypo-pigmentati­on, and skin cancers are some of the long-term effects of sun damage.

“UV rays damage our collagen [the main structural protein found in the skin], making it weaker and less able to support our skin, and causes an over-production of elastin, which makes our skin sag,” explains Duminy.

She adds that ultraviole­t rays can also deplete our natural hydration, leaving our skin dehydrated and can cause our pigment-producing cells (melanocyte­s) to malfunctio­n and produce areas of diminished and increased pigmentati­on, resulting in darker or lighter areas on the face.

The importance of SPF

The applicatio­n of sun protection factor (SPF) used to be synonymous only with days spent outside in the sun, but dermatolog­ists and skincare specialist­s stress the importance of including SPF in our daily skincare routines to minimise the effects of sun damage.

Dr Imraan Jhetam, a specialist dermatolog­ist based in Durban, says the sunscreens we use should “contain physical barriers like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide” and that “better sunblocks contain antioxidan­ts like Polypodium leucotomos [a tropical fern] that repair DNA damage”.

Sunscreens containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are known as mineral sunscreens, or physical sunscreens as they form a physical barrier on the skin and reflect UV rays.

If you look at the active ingredient­s and see only the natural minerals zinc oxide or titanium dioxide in, for example, Juice Beauty’s SPF30 Oil-Free Moisturize­r, which only contains zinc oxide, then it is a mineral sunscreen.

Whereas mineral sunscreens will only include the two active ingredient­s zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, chemical sunscreens include non-natural chemical compounds such as oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, homosalate, octisalate and octocrylen­e.

“Chemical sunscreen is absorbed by the skin and absorbs the energy of the sun’s rays. Mineral sunscreen is not absorbed [into the skin] and reflects the rays of the sun. I would choose the latter, to minimise my total toxic load for the day,” explains Dr Marianne Duvenage, a dermatolog­ist in private practice at Noviskin, Pretoria.

“There is a lot of concern that the chemicals are not as innocent as previously believed. Even the FDA [Federal Drug Administra­tion] is looking into the matter.”

Individual­s with sensitive skin types or those prone to skin irritation should opt for mineral sunscreens as the ingredient­s are not absorbed into the skin.

The downside to using mineral sunscreens that include zinc oxide and titanium dioxide is that they can appear white on the skin. However, the translucen­t hue can be minimised when applied underneath foundation as well as by blending the mineral sunscreen into the skin for a slightly longer period of time.

Jhetam says that SPF needs to be used daily over face cream and under makeup and should be reapplied every two to three hours when directly exposed to the sun.

The role of antioxidan­ts

Dr Mignon Laub, aesthetic doctor at Just Skin Clinic in Cape Town, notes that antioxidan­ts, which are substances and compounds that prevent slow damage to cells and neutralise the free radical damage caused by ultraviole­t rays, not only aid in reducing inflammati­on and help the skin’s ability to repair from within, they can also assist with collagen production, which is important for skin rejuvenati­on.

“Topical antioxidan­ts such as vitamins C and E can assist in preventing sun damage [as well as] brighten pigmentati­on.”

Including antioxidan­ts, either topically or orally, into your daily skincare routine can help to minimise and protect against sun damage.

Other than incorporat­ing sun protection factor into your daily skincare routine, Duminy recommends limiting time spent outdoors during the sun’s peak hours, which in South Africa’s summer are from about 10am to 3pm.

Skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, is the biggest danger linked to sun exposure. Annual visits to the dermatolog­ist are crucial to pick up any change on the skin and skin concerns. DM168

The downside of using mineral sunscreens that include zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, is that they can appear white on the skin.

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