Daily Maverick


- Tom Morgan

Finally, it took the Zapiro cartoon to point out what I have been writing to you about since November 2023. The Hamas atrocities were just the excuse for Israel to put into motion the “final solution”. Hence, the planned campaign with the second column by the Israeli invasion force that split Gaza into two. The most apt part of DM168, Madam & Eve, says it all: “We know they are lying…”

There is another aspect that raises questions of objectivit­y. DM168 applauds the ANC [government in its coverage of the proceeding­s] at the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ). However, there is no supposed righteous action regarding the other invasion – into Ukraine. This is also genocide. Vlad the Invader is on record saying Ukraine is not a nation.

Apart from one rare glimpse of honesty when Internatio­nal Relations Minister Naledi Pandor decried the invasion on the first day, the sucking up by the fat cats of the ANC to Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov was degrading. And this stance has continued.

The ICJ jaunt has other dimensions. When the last ANC lot went en masse to the UN, the main activity was shopping. But one should look at the timing of the fanfare. This is an electionee­ring exercise, paid for by the taxpayer and coinciding with the annual ANC bunfight. What is the actual cost of this exercise? I suspect it’s millions that could have been spent on flood damage from two years ago.

For those with little history knowledge, this genocide started with the massacre by the Jews in the city of Jaffa in 1948. Subsequent massacres accompanie­d the takeover of large parts of the old Palestine. The current imprisonme­nt and torture of Arabs is a continuing war of attrition by a terrorist state founded on the Stern Gang’s legacy.

For the record, I am not a supporter of any organisati­on or state in the Middle East. But I am a supporter of expecting newspapers to show objectivit­y. With an election coming up, it is every newspaper’s obligation to tell it like it is.

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