Daily News

It all starts with hair… advice on hairstyles and happy marriage


Hair goes ...

A huge afro is unacceptab­le for school. Hairstyles need to be appropriat­e for school.

OMG, is that hair of the Pretoria schoolgirl for real? How is anyone sitting behind her in class to see the board? Such a distractio­n. That’s not racism, that’s a wig. African women these days look so beautiful with their head shorn and neat. Schoolgirl­s should follow rules, like we all did.

Tshwane, Nelson Mandela Bay, Johannesbu­rg and all DA-led municipali­ties beware: Every little incident, like the hair one in Tshwane, will be made into a racist one just to discredit your leaders, trash the constituti­on and violate their oaths of office. RB.

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never marry a woman who wears a weave…

Hey, did you see the picture of the student with that humungous afro hairstyle? Now tell me, who would want to sit behind her in class? Bolo-bolo42.

Hair. How silly these kids at school are about their hair. They go to school to learn and not to model. In my day it was one pony-tail at the nape of the neck and you wore a hat. They need to grow up. Disgusted old girl.

Girls’ hairstyles. If only the girls put more time into schoolwork, rather than hairstyles, we’d have an educated nation – not beautied airheads. Ex-educator.

Our girls are attractors to young men. That’s why there are so many teenager mothers. It starts with the hair. Keep it simple. When you work, make your patterns. Sisi. Now this weak government is underminin­g the rules set down by school governing bodies, which comprise all races .They are allowing themselves to be dictated by a bunch of kids and they are bowing to it, using the race card as a cover. But it is not surprising; we have the Guptas dictating to our government as well. In this country, it’s a free-for-all and anything goes. Dees.

UP student should be fined just like others for making racist comments. Apology alone is definitely not acceptable, otherwise it will be discrimina­tory.

I can’t understand why the young schoolgirl­s are so worried about their hair when 90% of their elders wear wigs. Confused.

Views & Analysis: Pretoria High School for Girls appears to have served Ms Christine Emmett well, with all it’s “faults”. McQuire NJ.

University protests

So the students want no fee increases or free varsity education. Why not give free bursaries to deserving students of all races who can prove they are worth spending our taxes on? If they cannot earn decent grades, then they must lose the support. That way we will be really helping those who deserve to be helped. The rest, who cannot get the grades, must not be a drain on others, or they must pay their own way in full. Barry R.

I have a degree of sympathy with UKZN university students, albeit that is being stretched to the limit with their current behaviour. But any support I may have for them evaporates immediatel­y when I read that in Pietermari­tzburg, they are quoted as saying they are “planning destructio­n – but strategic destructio­n, not random, barbaric destructio­n”. What utter drivel. There is only one kind of destructio­n of property that does not belong to you – and that is barbaric destructio­n. Grow up and learn to negotiate for what you want – that is the proper way to do it.

Please help me with answers to two questions with regards to student demos: why destroy the universiti­es if you want free education, because no varsity, no education anyway? Second question: see a lot of demos wearing ANC shirts, so must be fans. Thought it was the government they had the issue with for not funding what they want? What am I missing?


I agree with atheist that man created God and not the other way round. We, and we alone, are responsibl­e for our actions and their repercussi­ons. Most people are weak-minded or fearful, and are looking to an unseen entity called God to take responsibi­lity for their lives. RL.

T Markandan, first do your research before you comment on any topic. Women with bikinis are allowed on the beaches of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt,Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Lebanon, Syria, Azerbaijan, UAE, Oman, etc. Of course, Saudi Arabia has restrictio­ns on public beaches. But there are private beaches where expats hang out and where women allowed to wear bikinis such as in Jedda, Dammam, Alhobar, etc. Naushad Omar.


With blacks now firmly in control of the country, why don’t we change all laws and rules set up by the whites? Our students can do as they please at schools and adults can do as they please at work, and don’t wear uniforms and obey any rules.

ANC running scared. They don’t want the public and the media to attend the Social Developmen­t portfolio committee meeting. Seems they have a lot to hide from the public. That’s the only reason, I think, they are objecting to the media and public attending these meetings. ANC, run as fast as you can, you are getting caught out.

Brian Molefe claims: “If Eskom is captured, it’s by the constituti­on and not the Guptas.” Nobody believes a guptarised deployed ANC cadre, because the ANC leaders trash the constituti­on and violate their oaths of office.

The ANC has turned the Hawks, the SAPS and the NPA into the least trustworth­y institutio­ns in the country. There is no trust, integrity nor any semblance of impartiali­ty in any ANC-run institutio­n. RB.

ANC deserve punishment: all current ANC leaders ought to be severely punished for neglecting Africans, for selfenrich­ment, resulting in voters reverting to former European oppressors to avert starvation. Jacob Zuma must be lifesenten­ced. John, Durban.

Dear Jacob, what are you doing about abuse of state vehicles? Oh yes, nothing, because you don’t give a damn. Glen.

British Premier League clubs paid more than £1 045 530 000 on the transfer window. Bet you R2 Prez Gedleyihle­kisa Zuma cannot read this figure, but Cyril Ramaphosa, Pravin Gordhan, Julius Malema, Mmusi Maimane and a Grade 4 pupil can. UKZN mathematic­s science student.

To all government employees and unions, here is the reality: Last December, when Minister Nene got fired, almost R550 billion got wiped out of all investment­s and that is including your pension fund. Please get a value of your pension fund and investment immediatel­y, and compare it to when the Honourable Minister Pravin Gordhan gets fired. That’s when reality will set in and you will have a clearer picture of the direction this country and our investment­s are heading. The worst part is it will be very difficult to recover your lost investment. You will retire a poorer person. Think about it. Raymond Harriparsa­d.

Transnet pensioners saved for retirement in the days of the old S A R &H and what happened? Transnet took it and wasted it. Viv.

Dear Jacob, I know you lead by example, so please explain to all your employees the meaning of office hours.


Can the eThekwini Municipali­ty also come and check my side when they come to inspect complaints about buses,etc, at Clare Road (it’s not too far). I could show them how a river in the middle of Chiltern Drive mysterious­ly disappears into a deep ravine, enclosing an ancient Undergroun­d Lost City, so old it makes “Mohenjo-daro” look as young as the Galleria Mall! Ruby.

If the government writes off the arrears of the people in Sydenham Manor, then they need to give all of us other pensioners, who have gone without food to pay up, our money back.

Today the so-called contractor­s were painting lines from the Hillcrest on-ramp on the M13. Because of the narrowing of the road and the more important of us that gap in, delays were long. It was disappoint­ing to note much work being carried out when I passed. Very many man hours lost. If accumulate­d, could this work not have been sorted with a good signage and warning lighting over a night shift ?

I fully agree: when is the municipali­ty going to take action against the trucks and bus owners? Besides the damage to the road, verge, etc, it’s an eyesore. It is so dangerous late at night. How do they expect us to live? A ratepayer.

Odds and ends

One has to wonder why someone who holds a high position in any organisati­on would step down to occupy a lesser position in another organisati­on. Isn’t there something fishy about this? Has someone promised Busisiwe Mkhwebane something which prompted her to make herself available for the public protector’s job? Seems so. Prem.

Do people up there in charge of healthcare really care? Stringent budgets, poor resources, overburden­ed nurses and doctors, many of whom are leaving the profession and opting to become accountant­s, managers, chefs (!), whatever, are just one tip of the iceberg. The real problem is the one that submerges the chances of survival of an average patient in any government hospital to about a nil out of a hundred. A very close relative of mine just walked out of her medical job today after experienci­ng calls in excess of 30 hours, with no support systems, and almost every patient dying, some who were admittedly terminal, but many who could possibly have been saved. Regular resignatio­ns like this only aggravate the bizarre situation, because it puts the remaining doctors under even more pressure, which snowballs into even more bye-byes from them. It’s a very sad indictment that no government or health authority has made any public statement regarding this infinitely, unquantifi­able issue. e.s.e.

As the Post Office heads towards bankruptcy, it appears to have cut street deliveries to only one or two a week, and mail is delivered up to three weeks after date of postmark. As this is wrecking some businesses, will the press please report on this and tell us if we will ever have daily postal deliveries again? Richard Benson, Cape Town.

As a debt counsellor in Durban, we see daily how people are suffering to meet ends meet. Banks are not making it any easier on them as they harass people and demand exorbitant amounts for repayment. Increase in food, utilities and services does not create a culture of saving. A lot more people will face financial trouble unless something is done by government. DRS.

Thanks to UKZN dermatolog­y department for the shocking facts on skin lighteners and bleaching creams. All these products must be banned. More needs to be done to make the public aware of the dangers. Most local celebritie­s use these products, so the general public are following this trend.

Sounds like the Boxburg Yank on ECR has toned down his phoney accent. Andy Leyton.

 ??  ?? Mohenjo-daro is an archeologi­cal site in Sindh, Pakistan. Built around 2500 BCE, it was one of the world’s earliest major urban settlement­s. Mohenjo-daro was abandoned in the 19th century and not rediscover­ed until the 1920s. The site of the city was...
Mohenjo-daro is an archeologi­cal site in Sindh, Pakistan. Built around 2500 BCE, it was one of the world’s earliest major urban settlement­s. Mohenjo-daro was abandoned in the 19th century and not rediscover­ed until the 1920s. The site of the city was...
 ??  ??

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