Daily News

Let us draw lesson from north


THERE’S a lot of talk in this country about the privations of white monopoly capital especially after the ANC has failed to lift the majority of people out of grinding poverty after 22 years of governing.

Let’s draw a lesson from up north.

Mugabe had the same hatred for white monopoly capital in his own country and destroyed most of it in his land and other asset seizures.

After destroying the economy of his country, he then turns around and asks western countries to give him $1.5 billion in aid to prevent mass starvation.

But where does that money come from? You guessed. It comes from the tax money earned from the very same white monopoly capitalist­s whom he hates and who put up factories, mines, farms and businesses in western countries so they can generate em- ployment, food, and tax income for their government­s to be able to function.

Included in those western government budgets are budgets for aid amounting to billions of dollars for developing countries.

So he does not want to nurture white monopoly capital in his own country, but he rather wants to beg for tax dollars earned from the white monopoly capitalist­s of other countries.

Shows the idiot he is and all those communists and socialists in this country who subscribe to that same ideology.

Look no further than the Freedom Charter which says that all the commanding heights of the economy should be nationalis­ed and owned by the state. That charter should be renamed: the Starvation Charter.


Cape Town


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