Daily News

A handful for Modi

Muslims unnerved, lie low


SINCE Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stunned the political establishm­ent by promoting a hardline Hindu priest to one of the country’s most powerful positions, Yogi Adityanath has sounded more statesman than rabble-rouser.

Gone is the fiery anti-Muslim rhetoric and promotion of Hindu supremacy for which the saffron-robed 44-year-old is known, and in its place is a message of social inclusion more akin to Modi’s language since sweeping to power in 2014.

“My government will be for everyone, not specifical­ly for any caste or community ... We will work for developmen­t of all sections and castes,” Adityanath said soon after being made chief minister of Uttar Pradesh.

The words jar with what the shaven-headed leader of the Gorakhnath sect has been saying from public platforms throughout a political career spanning nearly 20 years.

In his northern power base, Adityanath’s more conciliato­ry comments have done little to dispel unease among members of the Muslim community, who make up nearly a fifth of Uttar Pradesh’s 200 million or so people.

“We should just go about doing our job and pray the Hindu Yuva Vahini doesn’t take over mosques to build new temples,” said local driver Aijaz Sheikh, referring to the Hindu Youth Force set up by Adityanath in 2002 to carry out his agenda.

Adityanath’s ascent has prompted widespread questions about India’s secular status, and whether Modi, himself a product of a nationalis­t Hindu upbringing, intends to pursue more aggressive pro- Hindu policies as he pursues economic reforms.

Adityanath was a key campaigner for Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar Pradesh elections, and the thumping victory he helped deliver underlined how a divisive candidate could eclipse rivals who tried to reach out across communitie­s.

“With Yogi Adityanath’s appointmen­t, vigilantis­m has been upgraded into state policy,” said Gilles Verniers, assistant professor of political sciences at Ashoka University outside Delhi.

In a gleaming white temple compound in Gorakhpur, people crowd Adityanath’s offices to petition his band of fanatical followers in the Hindu Youth Force to settle their personal grievances.

Not all disputes concern religion, but Adityanath’s devotees say their main mission is to fight against creeping encroachme­nt by Uttar Pradesh’s Muslim community.

Adityanath declined requests for an interview on past actions and his plans as chief minister.

Since his March 19 swearing-in, he has pushed policies that are an extension of Modi’s nationwide agenda, notably de- manding state ministers declare their incomes and assets as part of a crackdown on corruption.

At the same time, he has instructed officials to prepare to shut down all mechanised abattoirs, part of a campaign pledge that appealed to Hindus because they view cows as sacred and because slaughterh­ouses are run mainly by Muslims.

Police have also deployed “anti-Romeo squads” to keep men and women apart in public to protect women from harassment.

Adityanath, born in the northern state of Uttarakhan­d, left his family to join the Gorakhnath sect and was quickly chosen to succeed its chief priest. He was elected to parliament in 1998 in his mid-20s and has won re-election four times.

During his career, he has earned a reputation as a fringe firebrand.

News channels have aired footage of some of his public comments, including in 2007 when he said: “If they (Muslims) convert one Hindu girl, we will convert 100 Muslim girls ... if they kill one Hindu, we will also kill 100 Muslims.”

Like many Indian politician­s, Adityanath also faces a string of criminal cases.

These include attempted murder, criminal intimidati­on, promoting religious enmity and defiling a place of worship.

No charges have been framed and Adityanath has said the cases against him were baseless and politicall­y motivated.

Officials in Modi’s office expressed confidence in Adityanath and said they expected him to change his image and policies for the good of the state. – Reuters

 ?? PICTURE: REUTERS ?? A farmer from the southern state of Tamil Nadu places a rat in his mouth during a protest demanding a drought-relief package from the federal government, in New Delhi, India, yesterday.
PICTURE: REUTERS A farmer from the southern state of Tamil Nadu places a rat in his mouth during a protest demanding a drought-relief package from the federal government, in New Delhi, India, yesterday.
 ?? PICTURE: AP ?? President Donald Trump at a meeting with women small business owners in the White House, yesterday, in Washington.
PICTURE: AP President Donald Trump at a meeting with women small business owners in the White House, yesterday, in Washington.

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