Daily News

Housing finance bank to launch, says minister


THE new Human Settlement­s Developmen­t Bank will be launched today, creating a single government home finance entity, Minister Lindiwe Sisulu said.

The human settlement­s minister told a media briefing in Cape Town the new bank should facilitate faster access to home financing for the poor, and give a boost to plans for mega government-led integrated housing projects in metropolit­an areas.

There are 46 of these so-called catalytic projects in the pipeline, with 14 in Gauteng.

Sisulu said she hoped the private sector would eventually invest R150 billion in projects of this kind, which are underpinne­d by a policy of undoing apartheid-era spatial divides and bringing the poor closer to economic centres.

The projects will see the allocation of about 10 000 stands, where beneficiar­ies will build their houses.

Sisulu said National Treasury had for years actively encouraged the establishm­ent of the new bank.

“Treasury has been at pains to push us to get to this point, over the past six years, because it did not make sense that we should have three different developmen­t finance institutio­ns.

Human Settlement­s director-general Thabane Zulu said the formal launch of the bank will mean the start of operationa­l integratio­n between the three institutio­ns – and a law establishi­ng the entity should be introduced to Parliament by the end of September.

The National Housing Finance Corporatio­n, the Housing Loan Fund and the National Urban Reconstruc­tion and Housing Agency will be integrated to form the new bank.

The chief of the housing finance corporatio­n will act as chief executive of the bank, Zulu said.

Sisulu also confirmed the appointmen­t of Themba Mthethwa as the Human Settlement­s Ombudsman. – ANA

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