Daily News

Ire at Trump’s intelligen­ce disclosure


WASHINGTON: There’s a lot we don’t know about the story of precisely what President Donald Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and whether national security was endangered. But one thing is for sure: the questionab­le US policy of banning laptops on many flights is suddenly front and centre once again.

The original Washington Post story on Monday evening said that Trump “went off script and began describing details of an Islamic State terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft”. Trump himself has confirmed, in two tweets, that he told Lavrov something related to airline flight safety for “humanitari­an reasons” and to boost Russian anti-IS efforts.

If the supposedly classified informatio­n was focused on the threat from laptops on planes, the Trump administra­tion has been slow to act (and so has Russia). After initially banning laptops on flights from 10 airports in North Africa and the Middle East, the US is considerin­g a wider ban on flights from European destinatio­ns. But the proposal has triggered a series of talks with airlines and the EU, hardly the kind of deliberati­ve process one would expect in the face of an imminent threat.

The limited March ban provoked angry and distrustfu­l reactions, as well as theories that it was really aimed at Middle Eastern airlines as internatio­nal competitor­s, or at Muslims in general, since Trump’s entry bans had been blocked by courts. Security experts and commentato­rs couldn’t understand why the ban selectivel­y targeted certain airports and airlines.

That additional procedure would be enough to thwart attacks like the one in February, on a flight from Mogadishu, Somalia, to Djibouti. In fact, the very next attempt to bring a laptop bomb on to a plane in Somalia ended with an explosion in the airport’s screening area.

Having passengers demonstrat­e that their laptops are in fact computers and not bombs would probably be the safer option. The US, EU and pretty much every other country in the world considers lithium-ion batteries in checked luggage to be a threat, because they can combust spontaneou­sly.

In the US, loose batteries must be carried in hand luggage. In China, devices with batteries inside go in the hand luggage, too. The reason for that is that a battery fire inside the passenger cabin can be extinguish­ed by the crew. If it happens in the hold, there’s no telling what havoc can be wreaked.

Apart from any object with a lithium-ion battery being something of a potential bomb, laptops and other computers, including phones and tablets, are potential weapons on a plane. Hackers have been able to take control of various flight systems, including vital ones, by gaining access to a plane’s integrated entertainm­ent system.

Security measures are often meant to make acts of terror more difficult rather than rule them out altogether. Putting an explosive-laced laptop in the luggage makes detonating it harder for the terrorist. Requiring that liquids in hand luggage come in small packaging makes it harder to build a bomb in flight. Terrorists, according to this logic, always look for the easiest path, a relatively foolproof plan.

In China, but not in the US or continenta­l Europe, security officers confiscate lighters and matches. In the US and China, but not in continenta­l Europe, passengers are told to take off shoes. Different airlines have different rules concerning the in-flight use of electronic devices. It can all be confusing, and it also breeds mistrust and creates the impression that the threats the rules are meant to mitigate aren’t real, or at least not universal.

The world is a dangerous place, but intelligen­ce community leaks and vague scares have no place in a serious debate about protecting flights from terrorists. Policymake­rs should explain clearly why each regulation is adopted: What the danger is and why other obvious measures cannot be used.

Neither the US nor the UK has provided a satisfacto­ry explanatio­n for their initial laptop bans.

“We have highly classified intelligen­ce and it’s none of your business what it is” isn’t good enough. – Washington­Post/Bloomberg

Bershidsky is a Bloomberg View columnist. He was the founding editor of the Russian business daily Vedomosti and founded the opinion website Slon.ru.

 ?? PICTURE: REUTERS ?? Different airlines have different rules concerning the in-flight use of electronic devices, says the writer.
PICTURE: REUTERS Different airlines have different rules concerning the in-flight use of electronic devices, says the writer.

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