Daily News

Broken street lights expose municipal incompeten­ce



This Ngubane character, chairman of the Eskom board, generates huge volumes of hot air. He tells a good story. But it is mostly smoke and mirrors and deception. He ducks and dives like a pro. But with Zuma’s backing, he can get away with it. Now he defends Molefe, who is implicated in all sorts of dodgy deals with the Guptas, and welcomes him back as boss of Eskom. This insults us all. These guys deserve each other, preferably in jail somewhere.

No Confidence Debate: if ANC members in Parliament have any intellect they will vote against Zuma. Only an irrational, poor thinker or brainwashe­d person will vote to keep a corrupt, inefficien­t president in power.

Can the councillor for the Phoenix Woodview area, follow up on street lights not working on Woodview Drive (from light pole 2A to light pole 16A)? Since the beginning of this year, the street lights have been defective. Reported on numerous occasions and each time you follow up, response is that the job is completed. This reflects how incompeten­t the municipali­ty is!

Odds and ends

The Department of Education. Recently there has been a lot of publicity about educators being dismissed for inappropri­ate behaviour regarding students. Well done to DOE. Now, how about getting your act together and dealing with the bullying at schools? This has become a daily occurrence, and nothing seems to be done about it. Try contacting any of the Circuit Managers or HOD’s; you will be surprised – these people don’t give a damn. They don’t call or reply to your messages. They don’t have sympathy towards the victim/s. Some of the schools just sweep these incidents under the carpet, to paint a good picture of the school. In some schools the principal is too scared to tackle the bullying issue. These principals SA: Can you tell us, the consumers of softdrinks, why you put aspartame in soft drinks? Aspartame is a poison and banned in many countries. It does more harm than sugar. To all softdrinks manufactur­ers, you are playing with the lives of your consumers. Fooling us that you reduced sugar levels, but not disclosing to your consumers that you are putting aspartame. Let’s start a debate. H.A.R.S.

On my recent visit to some of the Chinese malls in Joburg, I saw many Chinese and Pakistani store owners. Most stores employed migrants from our neighbouri­ng countries. I also saw many local people around mall, but on the streets, begging. Not sure how long we can continue with this situation.

We can’t wait too long to pick the Springbok team: the longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be to beat the French. Coetzee, you are going to have custard in your face soon. Don’t cry, I have warned you a few times now, just prepare soon.

The Funza Lushaka bursary does not guarantee you a teaching job. Having received this bursary for two years and graduating cum laude, I was allocated a school to start my job. However, the principal said he didn’t apply for a teacher. Corruption is everywhere, principals are hiding their SGB friends behind their position while numbers of schools need teachers. All I can say for those who have this bursary, I doubt there’s a need for repayment. Just save and enjoy your bursary money from government.

Prostituti­on in Glenwood: Residents, here are ways to eradicate those vermins. 1. Get NHW to carry out surveillan­ce and Name and Shame clients. 2. Get NHW to put together task team with SAPS and set sting operations. Arrest and charge both occupants. Prostituti­on is illegal. People need to understand that. MR.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? @JustNotcha: #Ntlemeza Those prayers by Pastor Mboro... shem... sorry Berning
@JustNotcha: #Ntlemeza Those prayers by Pastor Mboro... shem... sorry Berning
 ??  ?? @PatMdluli: #Ntlemeza just wanted the Car and Cellphone fam! Datas and Petrol are very expensive, this is enough evidence.
@PatMdluli: #Ntlemeza just wanted the Car and Cellphone fam! Datas and Petrol are very expensive, this is enough evidence.
 ??  ?? @taSamora: Don’t give up #Ntlemeza we cannot let our chief entertaine­r just slip away like this
@taSamora: Don’t give up #Ntlemeza we cannot let our chief entertaine­r just slip away like this
 ??  ?? @LegareThut­o: Look on the bright side, Unlike others #Ntlemeza is wasting his own money on this futile legal battles
@LegareThut­o: Look on the bright side, Unlike others #Ntlemeza is wasting his own money on this futile legal battles
 ??  ?? @Solomon_Madube: As we wait to hear how much #Ntlemeza’s goldenhand­shake will be...
@Solomon_Madube: As we wait to hear how much #Ntlemeza’s goldenhand­shake will be...

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