Daily News

Devaluing human lives


A HINDU group in India, Garbh Vigyan Sanskar Project, has promised to help Indian couples conceive “superior” babies with high IQs and fairer skin than their parents.

The Indian media has termed their activities “straight out of the Nazi playbook”.

Eugenics, the controvers­ial belief that one could improve the human race by selective breeding, was a popular idea in the first half of the 20th century and was notably used by the Nazis.

Hitler and his “angels of death” experiment­ed on humans which included such atrocities as twinbreedi­ng, freezing, sterilisat­ion and fertility, and blood coagulatio­n.

And these Indians have the audacity to dabble in what they call “the scientific purificati­on of the womb”, conjuring up distorted images of delivering babies of top class mental, physical and spiritual quality.

The architects of this plan claim to want to ensure the seed is good, which means the quality of the sperm and ovum has to be top-class.

The purveyors state that the secrets are contained in ancient Hindu texts.

Such a farce may thrive in India’s caste and religious sectarian-infested society, but such acts and outrageous meddling devalue human lives. KEVIN GOVENDER


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