Daily News

Testostero­ne increases impulsive behaviour in men – study


THE MALE hormone, testostero­ne, is important for sexual and reproducti­ve developmen­t but it can also make men less likely to question their impulses, suggests new research.

Men given doses of testostero­ne performed more poorly on a test designed to measure cognitive reflection than a group given a placebo, showed the findings of a study to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychologi­cal Science.

The findings suggest that the sex hormone is connected with greater reliance on gut instincts and less self-reflection.

“What we found was the testostero­ne group was quicker to make snap judgments on brain teasers where your initial guess is usually wrong,” said Colin Camerer, professor at California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

“The testostero­ne is either inhibiting the process of mentally checking your work or increasing the intuitive feeling that ‘I’m definitely right’,” Camerer said.

The study included 243 males who were randomly selected to receive a dose of testostero­ne gel or placebo gel before taking a cognitive reflection test. The results “demonstrat­e a clear and robust causal effect of (testostero­ne) on human cognition and decisionma­king,” the researcher­s said.

Testostero­ne is thought to generally enhance the male drive for social status. Recent studies have shown that confidence enhances status. – IANS

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