Daily News

Many get ‘F’ for nutrition literacy

Confused about what’s healthy? A new nutrition survey shows you’re not alone


IF I ASKED you, “Who do you trust?” you would probably name a friend or family member – unless the topic is nutrition.

Odds are your nearest and dearest are not your most trusted sources for nutrition informatio­n, even though there’s an excellent chance that you rely on them to decide what to eat.

Maybe that’s why so many people are getting a failing grade in nutrition literacy, according to findings from the Internatio­nal Food Informatio­n Council Foundation’s 12th annual Food and Health Survey.

To varying degrees, we listen to advice from not just experience­d nutrition profession­als, but also from health coaches, personal trainers, social media, bloggers, television, government agencies and food companies.

Is our inability to determine the best, most reliable sources of informatio­n getting in the way of the improved health we almost universall­y seek?

Friends and family trailed only personal health-care profession­als as sources of informatio­n about what foods to eat or avoid.

Yet respondent­s ranked friends and family as low on the trustworth­iness scale (health providers rated high) for informatio­n on what foods to eat and avoid. Your immediate circle is also probably the biggest influence on your decision to follow a specific eating pattern or diet – with health-care providers and registered dietitian nutritioni­sts lagging behind. Confused about nutrition? You’re not alone. Roughly eight in 10 respondent­s of the Ific survey feel that there’s a lot of conflictin­g advice about what foods they should eat or not eat, and many find that this conflictin­g informatio­n makes them doubt their food choices. That doubt is likely magnified when we turn to our besties and Aunt Betties, who are just as confused as we are when they pass along informatio­n that they “read somewhere”.

A potential beacon of hope is the finding that scientific studies ranked high as a source of trustworth­y informatio­n, especially among millennial­s (ages 18-34).

Along those lines, respondent­s also put a fair amount of trust in news articles and headlines, which often report on new scientific studies. The trouble is, isolated research studies don’t tell the full story, and many articles – and almost zero headlines – provide the context of the overall body of research on a nutrition or health topic.

So where does this leave us?

We want our food to help us be healthier, but we can’t quite get to a place where we feel confident about connecting the dots between desired health benefits and the foods that can actually help us achieve them.

The benefits we yearn for most are weight management, cardiovasc­ular health, energy and digestive health, but fewer than half of respondent­s could name a single food or nutrient that would help them reach those goals. (Hint: nonstarchy vegetables, omega-3s from fatty fish, caffeine and yoghurt.)

Survey respondent­s even had trouble determinin­g what “healthful” means. For example, when provided with identical nutrition informatio­n for two products, respondent­s deemed higher price, brand name, a short ingredient list and place of purchase as measures of healthfuln­ess.

They also felt that fresh food products are more healthful than their frozen or canned counterpar­ts. Trouble is, none of these characteri­stics is associated with better nutrition and better health. For example, frozen or canned vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh – or even more nutritious if that fresh produce has travelled the globe and spent time in storage before becoming sad and limp in a fridge.

Eating healthfull­y doesn’t have to be hard.

Eat more vegetables (of all sorts). Cook at home more. Choose foods that are in their original or less-refined states.

When you choose to enjoy sugar, eat it, don’t drink it. – The Washington Post

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