Daily News

Claim parental interferen­ce affects school discipline badly



Roy Moodley has appeared on numerous occasions these past few weeks in the Daily News. Reports have emerged that he gave kickbacks to the tune of R1m a month to Jacob Zuma for a period of time. If this is true, then this needs to be investigat­ed and the full might of the law needs to bear down on him, if found guilty. These shenanigan­s cast a bad light on Indians. We, as a community, deplore such underhande­d dealings. As a ground-level ANC member, I’m calling on the ANC leadership to look into this matter. We need to clean up now. There is no place for those who are in the ANC for self enrichment. Let’s stop this rot now. Ashlin.

Good, dedicated public servants are being sidelined in the public service. ANC is bringing in its own people to ensure that there’s no leakage of informatio­n and the cover-up continues. Eventually there will be no good public servants left in SA. That is when total anarchy sets in. Gangsters will then run this country.

The Zuma government is sitting on the biggest can of worms in the world and they are trying every trick in the book to keep the lid on. But slowly and surely good men and women are forcing the lid off, so that the corrupt, huge, wriggling mess inside is coming out for all of us to see. We are now in the endgame and the damage is beyond belief, badly affecting all our people. Mike.


Numerous complaints from business and residentia­l owners regarding globular eThekwini electricit­y bills. One from a local budget Overport beauty salon, who mentioned in outrage that if she had to pay from a monthly billing of R9 000 it has tripled, which was paid, and if it goes on that way she will have to shut her business of 2 decades. No meter readers or reading occurs, and she mentioned going to the mayor or deputy mayor’s offices for help. Consumers trapped in a cobweb are helplessly forced to keep paying, which is daylight robbery as it means cut-offs. Aware of the new computer billing system, but why should small-timers suffer? Someone up there, please help and sort out. Shameema Omar.

Agree with Joe Soap. What is the councillor doing about Cutting’s Beach and the appalling state of the Merebank suburb? Coojith from Merebank.

Durban wanting tourists. Madam Mayor, get off your behind and look at the filth and squalor. On Sunday morning, November 5th, I went to Addington beach at 07h15. Parked outside Addington Hospital. The broken glass, squashed bunny chows and vomit on the road is a disgrace. Denton Durban.

Odds and ends

Hooray! If SGBs are silenced, at least the schools will be given back to the educators. Discipline will prevail. When we did not have interferen­ce from parents, schoolchil­dren were well discipline­d. Look at how ill- discipline­d most of today’s school kids are … all because of interferen­ce from SGBs. Educators are scared to discipline rude kids because the SGBs have complete control of the future of the educators by always being a thorn when the educators try to reprimand badly behaving scholars. Go to some of these schools and see the rich, controllin­g the SGBs. Before I add more juicy stuff about the interferen­ce of SGBs in our education, let’s open the floor to your views, BackChatte­rs. SG (Effingham).

Scintillat­ing performanc­e by the KZN Philharmon­ic Orchestra on Thursday night, featuring famous pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, and energetica­lly conducted by supremo Juston Frantz – fabulous. Edmac.

I agree with Group 5. It is so sad that our people don’t understand production and cost. It is all about “I want, but never want to give” mentality.

Humans are God’s only creation whose greed is limitless, and even God would find it difficult to please them. At times, their desires become so sinful that it becomes difficult to differenti­ate between good and the bad. One can go to any extent to fulfill one’s wishes. And when there isn’t a way to return from there, he justifies himself by saying his intentions weren’t bad. This one’s for JZ and his puppets.


What a poor performanc­e by the Boks. Ball-handling skills and decision-making pathetic. Complete overhaul needed all round. It is an embarrassm­ent. Like wandering sheep. No game plan... 4LeafClove­r.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Horseracin­g mogul Roy Moodley in close proximity to President Jacob Zuma.
Horseracin­g mogul Roy Moodley in close proximity to President Jacob Zuma.

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