Daily News

Separation anxiety disorder in children


AS A SOCIETY, we often wax eloquent about how important it is to nurture, support and protect our children. The sad reality, however, is that all too often major, lifechangi­ng decisions are made without any considerat­ion of their potential lifelong and devastatin­g impact on kids.

Case in point: children separated from their parents at borders as new immigratio­n policies are debated. Separation from parents for even short periods can cause anxiety disorders that can last a long time.

I wish to underscore that my explanatio­n here is apolitical. Instead, I am writing as a child and adolescent psychiatri­st, parent, and member of our society, who would prefer that we be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to protecting vulnerable children at high risk for separation anxiety disorder and other emotional and behaviour problems.

Separation anxiety disorder is a disorder that is marked by unusually strong, and clinically significan­t, fear and distress related to separation from the home, a parent or other attachment figure. The fear and distress exceed levels appropriat­e for the individual’s age and developmen­tal level and lasts at least four weeks in children.

Symptoms can include persistent fears of parents being killed or kidnapped, worries about a parent getting sick and being afraid to go to school.

Uncertaint­y and pathologic­al doubting can dominate. These children with separation anxiety disorder never get the “all clear signal” that they or their loved ones are safe unless they are physically together.

Low socio-economic status, a family history of anxiety or depression, and other environmen­tal, hereditary and genetic factors appear to increase the risk of developing separation anxiety disorder.

It is important to point out that it is perfectly normal for young children to experience separation anxiety. It is a normal developmen­tal milestone. It is common for young children to get nervous and scared when their parent leaves and says goodbye.

This usually gets better in children as they get older, but in about 4-5% of children and adolescent­s, separation anxiety persists and requires therapeuti­c interventi­on.

Treatment for separation anxiety disorder includes therapy, reassuranc­e of the child and caregivers, and psycho-education to provide the family with informatio­n about this disorder and the available treatment services that they can receive. Medication may also be required, for severe cases.

While it is true that children can be resilient and either persevere or recover, it is never easy and the hidden scars remain. – The Conversati­on

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