Daily News

India’s hypocrisy would have turned Gandhi’s stomach



I don’t understand why Cosatu and others are not having consultati­ons with the ANC government about the huge increases in petrol and the petrol tax. We don’t even know what they are doing with that tax.

What a joke for the minister from India to come to South Africa and tell us India stands against discrimina­tion. Go tell the Christians in India who are burnt alive. Go tell the women and babies that are raped and burnt alive. We read newspapers here in SA. Gandhi will be turning in his grave. Stop having dinners to commemorat­e the event. Gandhi would probably not have eaten at the dinner and gone on a hunger strike until reform was implemente­d. DV

Nomsa Dube-Ncube, our MEC for Co-operative Developmen­t, has been fingered for corruption. How can we trust her for being objective in investigat­ing corruption allegation­s against municipali­ties, especially in eThekwini where Mayor Gumede is fingered?

News of the day. No one should be a domestic worker, whether you are educated or not. That is according to Julius Malema. What a thickheade­d man. So, all domestic workers, please leave work and let Malema look after you and your family. Camel

Odds and ends

Telkom should now change to Telgone. Once you lay a complaint or fault, you never hear from them. Still waiting for phone to be sorted. Mrs RMV

Excellent service received at eThekwini Revenue Department. Did not receive my bill for the past month. Lunga was so efficient and profession­al. Things are coming right slowly but surely. Well done, Lunga.

A question that the legislator­s and those who are against the reinstatem­ent of the death penalty must answer is: What right do murderers have to impose the death sentence on their victim/s that exempt their action from being considered as cruel, inhuman, degrading and stripping the victim/s of their human dignity? I believe, although I stand to be corrected, that most of our laws are from a RomanDutch heritage which enshrines Christian values. Would the words “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” not be appropriat­e in crimes in which the public are baying for the return of capital punishment? VS

Accidental shootings: Truly a sad thing. Just goes to show how on edge South Africans really are. JP

Every time a person points a finger accusing another, he then has four fingers pointing back at himself. When you accuse Israel of being racist, your accusation­s show that you are equally as racist, if not more so. Angelo

I doubt very much that economic sanctions can help dismantle apartheid in Israel, but cultural, arts, sports amputation will probably be a better tool, because man cannot live by food alone! Cancellati­on of the Argentina-Israel friendly in Jerusalem may yet turn out to be just a preliminar­y rumbling of worse alienation to come. ese

England is going to give us a lesson in rugby come this Saturday. l don’t know where the scrumhalf gets this idea to kick the ball away; the forwards work hard for the ball and then he kicks it away. England will punish us badly. We can’t play kick-and-hope here. Run at them at all times. They will get tired because the altitude will get to them. Work them over, run at them. Firsttime tackles and secure our ball. Drive them into the ground. That is the rugby we should play, not the old style that Naas Botha played in his day. Play the running rugby.

Have to agree with comments about the smell on North Beach where the sand pumping has taken place. It definitely smells like the sand has been taken out of a dirty dam. Hopefully it will settle down. Lynn, Glenashley

The parents of Sadia who was killed (in a botched hijacking) must sue the justice department for giving parole to these hijackers. These were hardened criminals, jailed in 2013 and released to continue their criminalit­y. Free accommodat­ion and food with “blankets” in prison at the cost of taxpayers.

This is an urgent appeal to members of our Indian community. lf you are going to sit in front of your TV or laptops and hope that this useless, inefficien­t police force is going to protect us from criminals, then you are dreaming. Form little groups of 10 to 15 and walk your streets day after day looking out for criminals. Don’t stop until you drive them far away from your areas. lf you don’t draw the boundaries to stop them, then they will draw the boundaries for you, and that means living in fear day and night.

Car theft will come down if every petrol station has boom gates and spikes and every vehicle entering to refuel must have the registrati­on and licence disk scanned. Also pass a law making it illegal to buy petrol in a container. Anele

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? @Boikay_Sere: I don’t think he was in a right state of mind. I mean a firstoffen­der committing such a gruesome acts to his own parents. Only he and God knows what pushed him to go that far.
@Boikay_Sere: I don’t think he was in a right state of mind. I mean a firstoffen­der committing such a gruesome acts to his own parents. Only he and God knows what pushed him to go that far.
 ??  ?? @DimitriKie­wiet2: This guy will die, come back, go to prison, die again, come back, go to prison, die again, come back and go to prison and when he dies again he will come back and has to do 27 years in prison.
@DimitriKie­wiet2: This guy will die, come back, go to prison, die again, come back, go to prison, die again, come back and go to prison and when he dies again he will come back and has to do 27 years in prison.
 ??  ?? @Koko_Mmakgabo: Let his life be a jail culture. We can never accommodat­e this sick terrible personalit­y in our society.
@Koko_Mmakgabo: Let his life be a jail culture. We can never accommodat­e this sick terrible personalit­y in our society.
 ??  ?? @WatchZolil­e: It serves him right. Let him rot in jail so that those who are planning to commit such evil deeds learn from this.
@WatchZolil­e: It serves him right. Let him rot in jail so that those who are planning to commit such evil deeds learn from this.

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