Daily News

Daily News


The Daily News is printed and published by Independen­t Newspapers KwaZulu-Natal, 18 Osborne Street, Durban, for the proprietor­s and publishers, Independen­t Newspapers (Pty) Limited, at 18 Osborne Street, Durban. The copyright in the iterary and artistic works contained in this newspaper and its supplement­s, as well as in the published editions and any other content or material (including in any online version), belongs exclusivel­y to Independen­t Newspapers (Pty) Ltd unless otherwise stated. The copyright, including the reproducti­on and adaptation of any content or material contained in this newspaper and its supplement­s, is expressly reserved to the publisher, Independen­t Newspapers (Pty) Limited, under Section 12(7) of the Copyright Act of 1978. The Daily News has committed itself to the Press Code of Profession­al Practice, which prescribes that news must be reported in a truthful, accurate, fair and balanced manner. Complaints or inquiries can be sent to the Independen­t Media Press Ombudsman via complaints@inl.co.za The circulatio­n of the Daily News is certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulatio­ns.

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