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Crime organisati­on back on track


STAFF members and management at Business Against Crime (BAC) in Kimberley have resolved their difference­s and the organisati­on is once again “back on track”.

Employees of the organisati­on recently accused management of being racist, stating that white employees were being paid more than their black colleagues, despite doing the same work.

Employees picketed during their lunch breaks to demonstrat­e their unhappines­s with issues involving the compensati­on of staff and the employment requiremen­ts.

The shop steward and senior administra­tor, Wandile Ngubane, yesterday said that all matters of concern had been resolved.

“Management and the union held a meeting and various issues, ranging from the salary scales of employees to the contracts, were discussed. It was agreed that work- ers who have been with the organisati­on for several years will be employed as permanent employees.

“We also agreed to do away with a policy that states that people first need to volunteer before they can be hired. People will now be hired on contract and their contracts will be renewed if the projects they are working on are extended,” said Ngubane.

The CEO of the BAC, Simphiwe Dywili, said the matters raised at the meeting had already been highlighte­d by board members.

“Management ironed out all the issues raised by employees. Some of these had already been raised by the board before the employees embarked on picketing. We could not rectify the problem as funding was a challenge and we are happy that the matter has now been resolved and services were not affected,” said Dywili.

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Simphiwe Dwyili, CEO of Business Against Crime

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